Uzvar – the traditional Ukrainian drink cooked from dried fruit, which gained distribution and in Russia. In old times узвар prepared generally for Christmas, today it prepares, on sale and bought at all seasons of the year, even in the summer, despite abundance of fruit and berries as it has a pleasant not luscious taste, and it well satisfies thirst.
For preparation of an uzvar the dried-up apples and pears, raisin are used. It is in addition possible to take prunes, cherry, dried apricots, hawthorn fruits. And so, the advantage of an uzvar is also caused by useful properties of these fruit and berries. It is known that dried fruits contain more microelements, than in fresh fruits.
Thanks to above-mentioned components, the uzvara at its correct preparation about which we will tell later contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and pectins, cellulose, glucose, useful to a brain, very important for work of intestines. Pears and apples which are surely used for preparation of drink are antioxidants therefore the use of an uzvar allows to bring free radicals out of an organism.
It is also noticed what depending on the fruits which are in addition applied to preparation of drink узвар from dried fruits removes an inflammation, strengthens immunity, raises hemoglobin, promotes improvement of work of intestines and GIT in general, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also tones up, removes salts and "harmful" cholesterol.
Those who wants to adjust work of intestines in узвар should add prunes; that at whom immunity – a hawthorn is reduced; that who suffers from supertension, cardiovascular diseases – dried apricots. By the way, if you prepare узвар in which there is a lot of dried apricots, and do not sweeten it, receive excellent diuretic with vitamins.
Still узвар it is known as means for fight against a hangover – because it invigorates, helps to get rid of the accumulated toxins.
A considerable role is played by a way of preparation of drink. It is not usual compote which cook some time after water boiling – узвар remove from a plate right after water with dried fruit boils.
Before welding узвар, dried fruits are washed if necessary and presoaked in water that they were soaked and bulked up. About as far as to presoak dried fruits, there are two opinions: it is possible to leave them for the night (our grandmothers so did), and it is possible for only 10-15 minutes.
Proportions for preparation of an uzvar: about 400 grams of dried fruits on 2 liters of water undertake. The Sahara on this amount of water it is necessary to take about 250 grams, and honey – about one and a half tablespoons (50-60 grams).
There is also such recipe of preparation of an uzvar in which consults simply to fill in the prepared dried fruit with boiled water and to leave them under a cover. Such way is considered less "traumatic" for fruit, they lose less vitamins. Only in this case surely it is necessary to draw drink, otherwise узвар it will turn out weak.
Fill узвар traditionally with honey when drink cools down. That who have no such opportunity or are an allergy to honey, can use sugar. It is usually poured to water before it boils. It is possible to increase taste of drink by means of a carnation, cinnamon, a lemon or orange dried peel.
What is still important, узвар surely insist from several hours to several days. And, the more it will infuse, the it is more tasty and more useful.
With care diabetics should take drink. It is better for them not to sweeten узвар in general as in fruit and so there is a glucose.
For the rest узвар it is only useful, only, if the person has an intolerance of apples, pears, raisin, etc., then he as usual should refuse, or an uzvar, or not to use fruit allergens at preparation of drink.
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