B5 vitamin

B5 vitamin (pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate) – the water-soluble vitamin which is contained in some vegetables, grain products, beer and grain yeast.

Vitamin in 1933 was discovered by Roger Williams, and ten years later it already managed to be synthesized in the chemical way.

Витамин B5 в продуктах

The role of B5 vitamin is very extensive as nearly eighty enzymes depend on it. He is a part of atsetilperenosyashchy protein and acetyl - To - And, takes part in acetylation processes, synthesis of steroids and lipids, pyruvate utilization. It is necessary for exchange of amino acids, carbohydrates and fats, and also synthesis of the vital fatty acids, a histamine, hemoglobin, acetylcholine, cholesterol.

In translation from Greek "Pantotenum" means "everywhere". Vitamin received such name because of extraordinary wide circulation.

Biological value of B5 vitamin

Value of pantothenate of calcium is caused by participation of its coenzymes in biochemical reactions: 4-fosfopantotein is a citratelyase difosfo-SOA-kofermentom, a coenzyme of palmitoylsynthase and partially a coenzyme of various reactions of transformation of acyls. With participation of B5 vitamin the following reactions proceed:

  • Oxidation of fatty acids;
  • Synthesis of ketonic bodies;
  • Activation of acetate of fatty acids;
  • Synthesis of acetylcholine;
  • Synthesis of cholesterol and other steroid connections;
  • Oxidation of pyruvate and and-ketoglyutarata;
  • Synthesis of atsetilglyukozamin;
  • Formation of citrate and transformation suktsinil-SOA at a stage of a substrate fosfolirovaniye in a tricarbonic acid cycle;
  • Acetylation of biogenic amines;
  • Acetylation of alien connections;
  • Synthetic reactions with use suktsinil-SOA.

Essential property of pantothenic acid is its ability to stimulate production of hormones of adrenal glands – glucocorticoids thanks to what B5 vitamin in ampoules is successfully applied to treatment of such diseases as colitis, arthritis, allergies and heart diseases.

Pantothenate of calcium plays an important role in formation of antibodies. He takes part in synthesis of neurotransmitters and improves digestion of other vitamins.

B5 vitamin takes part in metabolism of fatty acids, activates oxidation-reduction processes in an organism and normalizes lipidic exchange. On an organism pantothenic acid makes hypolipidemic impact.

Symptoms of deficit of B5 vitamin

There are no symptoms of insufficiency of only one pantothenic acid, however deficit of one of group B vitamins in an organism usually testifies also to a lack of B5 vitamin.

Reception of B5 vitamin in ampoules is shown in a complex with other vitamins of group B at a sleep disorder, the increased fatigue, dermatitis, nausea, appetite loss.

It is considered that shortage of pantothenic acid plays a role in a pathogeny of an erythremegalia and a pediolalgiya – the diseases causing damage of small arteries of distal departments of the lower extremities.

As pantothenic acid often meets in food, its deficit meets extremely seldom.

During the conducted researches at the volunteers who are in conditions of artificial shortage of pantothenic acid for 10 weeks the following symptoms were revealed:

  • Appetite loss;
  • Abdominal pains;
  • Loss of coordination and thermalgia in legs;
  • Hair loss;
  • Depression, nervousness and irritability;
  • Increased fatigue and weakness;
  • Vomiting and nausea;
  • Muscular spasms;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Eczema;
  • Cardiopalmus.

During the experiments with animals deficit of B5 vitamin led to a wide range of side effects among which:

  • Spontaneous abortions on early terms;
  • Abnormal development of juveniles;
  • Disturbance skin and indumentum;
  • Insufficiency of a nervous system, digestive tract;
  • Sterility;
  • Sudden death.

Shortage of pantothenic acid diseases of a small intestine with a sprue can cause insufficient quantity in food of proteins, vitamin C, fats, group B vitamins, and also. Also deficit of pantothenic acid can cause prolonged use of streptocides and antibiotics.

Indications to use of B5 vitamin in ampoules

Additional reception of pantothenic acid is shown:

  • To pregnant women and the feeding women;
  • To aged people 55 years are more senior;
  • To the people abusing alcohol;
  • At the raised exercise stresses;
  • That who throughout a long time is in a condition of a stress;
  • To the people having the exhausting chronic diseases, such as regional enteritis, gluten disease, to a spr.

Besides, reception of B5 vitamin in ampoules showed to the people consuming insufficiently vitamin-rich or low-calorie food and those who has an increased need for nutrients.

B5 vitamin hypervitaminosis

Symptoms of intoxication of an organism are not revealed. Pantothenic acid is absolutely safe and non-toxical.

Needs for pantothenic acid

Exact daily need of the adult for this vitamin is not established. Approximately, it makes 10-12 mg for adults and to 2 mg – for children. Pregnant women and the feeding women have a daily need for vitamin – 15-20 mg.

Partially need of the person for this vitamin is satisfied due to its synthesis with intestinal microflora. Normal it synthesizes 3,4 mg of pantothenic acid a day.

Professor of biochemistry Roger Williams who discovered this vitamin claimed that the daily use of B5 vitamin by pregnant women in a dosage of 50 mg sharply would reduce quantity of abortions and pre-natal defects. In the light of the last discoveries this statement completely was repaid.

Food sources of B5 vitamin

Food sources of pantothenate of calcium (mg / 100):

  • Soy – 6,8;
  • Pork kidneys – 3;
  • Beef liver – 6,8;
  • Pork liver – 5,8;
  • Beef kidneys – 3,8;
  • Eggs – 1,3;
  • Haricot – 1,2;
  • Split peas – 2,3;
  • Sardine, Siberian salmon – 1.

Also pantothenate of calcium contains in chicken meat, whole grain, bananas, oranges, beer yeast, grain sprouts, bran, broccoli, milk, lentil, avocado, lobsters.

Витамин B5 в капсулах

The drugs containing B5 vitamin

Carry to the drugs containing pantothenic acid: Calcium pantothenate, Supradin, Vitrum Byyuti.

Also B5 vitamin is a part of the following dietary supplements: Alphabet Kosmetik, Duovit Charm.


Pantothenic acid increases efficiency of cardiac glycosides, reduces toxic effect of streptomycin and other drugs against tuberculosis. It is necessary for metabolism and absorption of folic acid.

It is reasonable to apply calcium pantothenate with other vitamins of group B.

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.