Main > Human organs> Vagina


The vagina represents elastic and muscular tubular education and is internal generative women's organ.

Строение влагалища

Vagina structure

The vagina is located in a cavity of a small pelvis. Ahead from it there are a bladder and an urethra, and behind the rectum adjoins to it. From above the vagina covers a neck of uterus, from below it opens vaginal opening in anticipation of a vagina. At virgins the entrance to a vagina is closed by a hymen. Back and front walls of a vagina adjoin with each other therefore the internal cavity of a vagina has the slit-like form.

During sexual intercourse the vagina is the penis receiver, in it the seed gathers, and at the time of delivery it acts as a parturient canal through which after completion of the pre-natal development the fruit comes from a cavity of the uterus to light.

Thickness of walls of a vagina makes 3-4 mm, and its length – from 7 to 12 cm.

Allocate a lobby, back and two sidewalls of a vagina. They consist of several layers:

  • The inside layer – is presented by the mucous membrane forming numerous folds.
  • The center – is formed by unstriated muscles. The majority of muscle bundles are oriented longwise, but there are also bunches with a circular arrangement. In a lower part of a vagina muscle bundles densely intertwine with crotch muscles, and from above pass directly into uterine muscles.
  • The outside (adventitious) layer consists of fibers of connecting fabric.

Vagina at pregnancy

At pregnancy in an organism of the woman there is a hormonal reorganization that leads to changes from connecting and muscular tissue of a vagina. Blood supply of walls of a vagina increases therefore they get a bluish (cyanochroic) shade.

The vagina epithelium at pregnancy is thickened, and also processes of its exfoliating amplify. It promotes increase in number of allocations from a vagina.

Changes in a vagina at pregnancy lead also to change of its microbic flora. Therefore at pregnant women mycoplasmal and barmy colpitises quite often develop.

Vagina diseases

Inflammatory diseases of a vagina – colpitises (vaginit) are quite frequent reason of the address of women to the gynecologist. Most often infections sexually transmitted are the reason of vaginit. In addition the inflammation can be caused by microorganisms or mushrooms which constantly are present at a vagina cavity. With age in an organism of women production of estrogen decreases that can also lead to development of the colpitis called by atrophic.

At a colpitis of the woman show complaints: burning in a vagina and emergence of allocations from it. At an inflammation of the vagina caused by gonokokka, purulent discharges, chartreuse color, and on a consistence remind dense cream. At emergence of burning and fetid yellowish-brown or greenish-white foamy allocations it is possible to suspect a mecotic colpitis of a vagina. Allocations from a vagina at a bacterial vaginosis have a slight smell of crude fish. If the vaginitis is caused by barmy fungi of the sort Candida, then women note an itch in a vagina and emergence of white curdled allocations. Precisely to define a type of the activator which caused diseases and to appoint full treatment, the doctor takes from the woman analyses (a smear, bacteriological crops with sensitivity to antibiotics).

Itch in a vagina

Practically each adult woman is familiar with such problem as an itch in a vagina. The following factors can lead to its emergence:

  • Overheating or overcooling;
  • Wearing very close or rough underwear;
  • Various irritating environmental factors;
  • Psychogenic factors (stress, fear);
  • Reception of some medicines.

Some diseases can become the itch reason in a vagina also: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, lymphogranulomatosis, leukosis, iron deficiency anemia, renal failure, hepatitises, diabetes mellitus. Therefore if the itch in a vagina proceeds for several days, then it is necessary to see a doctor surely.

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