Seaweed grow in sea, fresh water, on rocks, in the soil and trees, represent the main organic chemistry of our planet.
Seaweed are eaten both animals, and people, and they represent 80% of the biomass which is available on Earth, allocate in the atmosphere a huge amount of oxygen – more than a half of its annual volume developed by plants.
Cabbage-weeds differ in high nutritional value, allocate also red and brown seaweed. Proteins (40-45%), carbohydrates (30-35%), fats, organic acids, vitamins A, With, In, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, active agents are a part of seaweed: pectins, polysaccharides, galaktina, chlorophyll derivatives, sterols, carotinoids.
Thanks to such structure of an alga possess antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory, radio tire-tread, anti-mutagen, antibacterial, antiviral action. Therefore it is recommended to eat seaweed, besides, they actively are used in cosmetology.
Thanks to the useful properties seaweed of a laminaria gained the greatest distribution, still call them a laminaria. Carry a laminaria to brown seaweed, and consider the balanced natural complex recommended for the regular use. These sea plants prevent atherosclerosis as slow down process of adjournment on walls of vessels of cholesterol, stimulate immunity, stop growth of tumors, increase coagulability of blood and interfere with a thrombogenesis, recover work of nervous, respiratory systems and the broken digestion, increase working capacity.
As a part of seaweed also gormonopodobny substances were found, and they can be applied in therapy of sexual dysfunction at men and women. A therapeutic dose of a laminaria – two teaspoons a day. And it is useful in a dried, marinated look.
Except a laminaria it is possible eat seaweed келп, a chain pump, Dahl, hidzhik, a vakama.
Cosmetologists noted such useful properties of seaweed – they humidify, revitalize and tone up skin, accelerate its healing, help to fight against inflammations and spots. Lavers, a spirulina blue-green, a chlorella, a fucus and a laminaria are outwardly used most often. Use them for acceleration of growth of hair and nails, care of skin, treatment of cellulitis: wrappings and masks from seaweed practice. Procedures are recommended to carry out at least once in four days. After several sessions displays of cellulitis considerably decrease, the skin inflammation abates, it is smoothed, becomes more elastic.
Seaweed cannot be eaten that in whom the iodine surplus in an organism is found or there is an allergy to this element (wrappings, masks from seaweed can be for the same reason contraindicated).
Besides, it is undesirable to use plants at nephrite, diseases of the alimentary system, diathesis, a furunculosis, a small tortoiseshell, during pregnancy and in other states at which the drugs containing iodine are contraindicated. The excessive use of a laminaria can lead to an iodism which is shown in the form of defeats mucous (laryngitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, conjunctivitis), the increased salivation and dacryagogue. The person can feel a febricula, at it temperature can increase. Also at an iodism skin rashes – so-called iodide trunk and person blackheads often develop.
There are no age restrictions on the use of seaweed.
Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.
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Section: Articles about health