Main > Drugs> St. John's Wort grass

St. John's Wort grass

Трава зверобояSt. John's Wort a grass – the popular medicinal plant which is widely applied in traditional and traditional medicine that is caused by its difficult chemical composition.

Pharmacological properties

St. John's Wort the grass has the antiinflammatory, wound healing, spasmolytic, calming, cholagogue, knitting, styptic and tonic effect.

These properties of the Grass of a St. John's Wort are caused by effect of its active agents: flavones (the pigments painting flowers in yellow color), anthocyans (pigments of cellular juice of fruits and flowers), essential oils, tannic and resinous substances, mineral salts, organic acids.

The correct use of the Grass of a St. John's Wort allows to activate digestion, to adjust exchange processes in an organism, to increase a diuresis (amount of urine), to improve blood supply of internals, to strengthen a gingiva, to stimulate action of the heart, to strengthen protective functions of an organism and many other things.

Indications to use

St. John's Wort the grass which properties caused powerful medical effect is applied at ulcers, gout, rheumatism, nervous diseases, depressive psychoses, catarrhal diseases, bed wetting, diseases of cardiovascular system and a digestive tract, diseases of kidneys, a gall bladder and liver.

Also the St. John's Wort Grass which use has to be carried out only after approval of the doctor is effective at an adenoid disease, epilepsy, a diffusion toxic craw, oncological diseases, a pulmonary tuberculosis and skin, removal of round worms, diathesis, rashes, stomatitis.

St. John's Wort the grass forms a basis for preparation of such vegetable antibiotics as Imaninum and Novoimaninum. These drugs are used at pharyngitis, antritis, rhinitis, mastitis, phlegmon, abscesses, purulent wounds and heavy burns.

Use of this grass is urgent also in dental practice where tincture of a St. John's Wort is used for elimination from a mouth of an unpleasant smell and strengthening of gums.

Route of administration

Зверобоя траваFrom the Grass of a St. John's Wort it is possible to prepare tincture, broth, extract, tea, oil.

Tincture of a St. John's Wort prepares as follows: fill in with one glass of boiled water 1 tablespoon of the crushed grass, allow to infuse half an hour. It is recommended to accept before food 3-4 times a day on ¼ glasses.

For broth the same proportions of water and a grass, as well as for St. John's Wort tincture undertake, boil the received mix for 15 minutes. Broth is cooled, filtered, divided into several portions and accepted during the day.

Oil from the Grass of a St. John's Wort prepares from fresh flowers which 20 g fill in 200 g of linseed or sunflower oil, insist within two weeks, from time to time shaking up.

The received oil for external use at ulcers, wounds, abscesses, purulent inflammations, severe bruises, burns is used.

Extract (spirit tincture) of a St. John's Wort prepares by insisting in the dark place for 10 days of mix from 4 dining rooms a lozhok of a grass and 100 ml of alcohol. Then spirit tincture of a St. John's Wort is filtered and accepted inside 3 times a day, at the same time the maximum single dose makes 50 drops. For external use of 30-40 drops part in ½ glasses of water.

Side effects

Use of a St. John's Wort of a grass in the recommended doses, as a rule, does not cause undesirable effects. The feeling of fullness of a stomach, hypersensitivity to light, a lock, nausea, allergic reactions, a headache, concern are in rare instances possible.

Too strong tincture of a St. John's Wort can provoke pains and spasms in intestines.

At prolonged use of the Grass of a St. John's Wort temporary impotence can be observed, however after drug withdrawal in several weeks everything returns to normal. High concentration of the Grass of a St. John's Wort can damage reproductive cells.

Contraindications to use

St. John's Wort the grass is not appointed at hypersensitivity to its active components, a hypertension as increases pressure, and also at simultaneous use of the antidepressants and some natural substances capable to inhibit monoamine oxidase.

St. John's Wort the grass which contraindications are caused by slightly toxic action should not be applied a long time, and also at pregnancy.

Additional information

It is possible to store broth and tincture of a St. John's Wort no more than two days in the cool place.

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