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20 week of pregnancy

On the 20th week of pregnancy the age of a fruit of 18 weeks from the moment of conception, comes to an end the fifth lunar month. There is the second trimester, and it is possible to tell that the first half of pregnancy already behind.Размер плода на 20 неделе беременности - 26 см

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 20th week of pregnancy in length makes about 26 cm, it weighs already 310-350 g. From this term for assessment of development of future baby on ultrasonography in 20 weeks of pregnancy control also other indicators – diameter of the head, thorax and stomach.

Proportions of future baby same as at the newborn child, his little body is gradually rounded, and he does not look already such thin. Practically all systems of internals are created, the respiratory system does not function yet, but the fruit does the first attempts of breaths.

The fruit actively moves in a maternal stomach on the 20th week of pregnancy, now pushes and stirs are felt even by primapara women. Women who have childbirth not the first, note stirs of the child several weeks. From this term a physical activity of the kid in a womb of mother is one of criteria of its wellbeing. That the wakefulness periods at a fruit are replaced by a dream normal the woman has to feel stirs at least 1 time at 4 o'clock. Lack of a physical activity within 12 and more hours has to guard future mother seriously.

Besides, the movements of a fruit in a womb of mother amplify after meal, in a condition of oxygen insufficiency (for example, in the stuffy room). Future kid through a physical activity tries to accelerate a blood stream and delivery to himself nutrients, and also oxygen.

On the 20th week of pregnancy also the placenta, its thickness on average of 20 mm increases in sizes in proportion to extent of growth of a fruit. The place of an implantation of placenta to a wall of a uterus can be various, most often – is closer to an uterine fundus, on a front or back wall, in rare instances – is closer to the channel of a neck of uterus. As the uterus grows, the placenta can migrate, partially or completely blocking an exit to the canal of a neck of uterus. Such low placental presentation can provoke bloody allocations on the 20th week of pregnancy and to be threat of abortion.

At full placental presentation to an exit in a gleam of a neck of uterus natural childbirth is contraindicated, and in this case operation Cesarean section is performed.

The fruit on the 20th week of pregnancy is active, he a lot of things is able to do, distinguishes light and darkness, hears, his emotional connection with mother develops. Improvement of work of the central nervous system continues. The provision of a fruit in a uterus can change to several times a day, and for the present early to speak about head or pelvic presentation.

Epidermis of skin of a fruit becomes four-layer, outside of it covers a layer of white syrovidny lubricant – a product of activity of sebaceous glands. This lubricant protects skin of future baby from influence of amniotic waters. On fingers of hands and legs of a fruit begin to grow nails, on the head there is already a lot of hair, and they are longer, than vellus body hair.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 20th week of pregnancy

The stomach on the 20th week of pregnancy continues to be rounded, uterine fundus height over a pubic joint makes about 20 cm, that is is at the level of a navel. There is practically no waist now, skin on a maternal stomach in 20 weeks of pregnancy stretches because of what her itch, and also emergence of extensions – striya is possible. The umbilical pole can smooth out and look less deep.

The probability of the pains on the 20th week of pregnancy localized in a waist increases. The reason for that – the shift of the center of gravity and increase in load of a backbone.

Pains on the 20th week the pregnancies arising in legs can be connected with a varicosity of the lower extremities. In the expressed cases hypostases standing, dark blue nodes of venous network or even reddening on their course (a symptom of thrombophlebitis) can develop. In these cases it is recommended to see a doctor.Вес плода на 20 неделе беременности - около 350 грамм

Erosive damages of a neck of uterus or placental detachment can become the reason of bloody allocations on the 20th week of pregnancy except placental presentation.

Inspection on the 20th week of pregnancy

Planned ultrasonography on the 20th week of pregnancy is a necessary minimum of researches for all women on this term. In total for normally proceeding pregnancy to the woman recommend to undergo not less than 3 ultrasonographies in 10, 20 and 30 weeks.

By results of ultrasonography estimate the fruit size on the 20th week of pregnancy and its compliance to term. Ultrasonography in 20 weeks of pregnancy most often allows to define a sex of future kid.

Since this term it is necessary to seem for the second time to the therapist as the exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as gastritis, vegeto-vascular dystonia or others is possible. In the middle of pregnancy it is already possible to be engaged in health of teeth if they demand that. At the same time all procedures have to be safe for a fruit.

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