It is important to know the caloric content of products for all growing thin. All diets in a varying degree urge us to control energy value of food. As eggs are a part of a standard diet of all Russians, and a question how many calories in egg interest many. It should be noted that nutritionists have a relation to this product ambiguous. Someone recommends eggs for weight loss. On their basis, for example, the power supply system of the endocrinologist Osama Hamdy is created. Other doctors advise strictly to limit amount of eggs in food. Regularly recommendations to reduce their consumption to two pieces a week sound. In this article we will try not only to answer how many calories in egg and eggs dishes, but also to discuss expediency of inclusion of these products in the menu at fight against excess weight.
Most often in food we use eggs (perfect, ordinary or small) and quail eggs. How many calories in egg depend on its grade. Let's review specific examples. Selected egg weighs about 60 grams. Its caloric content makes 94-100 kilocalories. Ordinary egg happens weighing 50-60 grams. Its caloric content is about 78-85 kilocalories in one piece. Small eggs weigh less than 50 grams. Their caloric content per piece 63-77 kilocalories. You can learn a grade of chicken dietary egg having studied the label on packaging. Of course, only the laboratory research can establish true caloric content. The data provided by us average also fluctuate seasonally, breeds of a bird, her age, structure of forages on poultry farm. In 100 grams of any egg about 157-160 kilocalories. In 100 grams of quail egg of calories it is even more – about 168-170. But eggs of this grade much more small. Their weight is about 9-12 grams. How many calories in egg of this species of a bird? No more than 20 kilocalories in one piece. Less often in food other types of eggs are used. Duck or goose egg contains 185 kilocalories in 100 grams, an indyushachya – 165 kilocalories, ostrich's – 118 kilocalories. How many calories in egg, depend first of all on its weight.
In egg it is possible to allocate two parts accurately: egg white and yolk. Their structure cardinally differs on the content of proteins and fats, and also calories and microelements. Those who uses eggs for weight loss should know these distinctions. The yolk is rich with full-fledged animal protein, fat and cholesterol. In its structure about 11,5% of fats. Cholesterol in one yolk of 210 mg. Of course, those who struggle with atherosclerosis are forced to refuse an egg yolk almost completely. But if you have no expressed problems with vessels, then completely you should not refuse this product. In a yolk there is a mass of useful substances: complex omega-3, calcium, folic acid, vitamin D. Caloric content of each chicken egg yolk is equal to about 55-65 kilocalories. Protein has absolutely other nutritious properties. It consists of carbohydrates and proteins (albumine). In protein there are practically no fats and cholesterol, so, it will not be harmful even at the most rigid diet. On energy value this product can be carried to low-calorie. Caloric content of ovalbumin is only 15-20 kilocalories. If to speak about 100 grams of a product, then for a yolk caloric content makes 352 kilocalories, and for protein – only 45 kilocalories.
As culinary processing, egg it is the simplest to weld. Time of boiling defines whether there will be this soft-boiled egg or hard-boiled. Product caloric content almost identical in both cases. Caloric content of hard boiled egg makes 160 kilocalories on 100 grams. Soft-boiled egg caloric content almost as much – 157-159 kilocalories on 100 grams of a product. The longer egg was exposed to heat treatment, the more time will be necessary for its digestion in digestive tract. Besides, eggs, the prepared hard-boiled, can longer be stored. Comprehensibility of useful substances anyway remains high.
Fried eggs are much more caloric crude or boiled. It is connected with the fact that at this way of cooking fat is used (vegetable or butter). All oils are extremely caloric products. Vegetable oil (including olive) is considered the champion on caloric content. It contains about 900 kilocalories in 100 grams. It so is a lot of that significantly exceeds energy value of mayonnaise, fat, chocolate and sugar. Fried eggs contain 240 kilocalories in 100 grams. It is one third more, than in crude or boiled eggs. The omelet prepares from eggs with addition of milk, cream, torments, cheese. Its caloric content can make 200-350 kilocalories. Calories in fried egg most often are superfluous at any power supply system.
Caloric content of egg powder extremely high. This product contains about 542 kilocalories in 100 grams. Of course, we never eat this product in a large number and in pure form. Otherwise soon the problem of obesity was particularly acute for all of us. Caloric content of ovalbumins and yolks in a dry form too strongly differs. In 100 grams of dry protein about 336 kilocalories. It is a lot of, but after all it is significantly less, than in dry yolks. Their caloric content – nearly 625 kilocalories in 100 grams.
In some diets eggs for weight loss are used. First of all it is about low-carbohydrate diets. Such diets are based on modern ideas of a metabolism. At an exception of carbohydrates, we start processes of a lipolysis. As a result in blood there are ketonic bodies promoting appetite suppression. In low-calorie diets of egg can be quite used too. Caloric content of hard boiled egg and soft-boiled allows to consider these products dietary. Their energy value for one portion small. And the feeling of saturation comes for a long time. Eggs belong to sources of valuable vitamins and microelements. At what these substances are acquired from eggs very well. On 100 grams contains in egg: phosphorus – 192 milligram, potassium – 140 milligrams, sodium – 134 milligram, calcium – 55 milligrams, magnesium – 12 milligrams, gland – 2,5 milligram, copper – 83 microgram, cobalt – 10 micrograms. All these substances are especially necessary for maintenance of health by that who constantly fights against excess weight by means of various unbalanced diets. However, abuse of eggs can lead to undesirable effects. Especially it concerns those whose level of cholesterol according to biochemistry of blood exceeds normal values. Therefore eggs for weight loss should be used only in good analyses of biochemistry of blood.
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