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The developing toys of 6 months

The developing games for the child of 6 months need to be selected proceeding from what he is already able to do at this age. In most cases at normal development the kid to half a year can already turn over surely from a stomach on a back and vice versa and to sit without support.Развивающие игрушки от 6 месяцев - делаем сами из подручных материалов

After 6 months it continues to develop promptly – literally for several months of its movement become more and more exact. It becomes capable to get and collect already even medium-sized objects. Besides, time of wakefulness of the kid constantly increases, and it should be filled with the developing games corresponding to age for 6 months.

The developing games for the child of 6 months

For development of the speech during this period, both psychologists, and logopedists insistently advise to find sufficient time for development of small motility as under the influence of impulses which arrive from fingers of hands there is a formation of speech areas of a brain.

One of the best developing toys of 6 months the pyramid is considered. In the beginning most it will be difficult to child to put it, and it will begin with what will remove ringlets from a core. Mother has to dress back them, at the same time it is necessary to observe surely the correct order – from big to small. It is possible to diversify a game with the fact that mother will voice colors of a pyramid that will help the kid with their further studying. It is also possible to find in the corresponding literature or to think up verses and poteshka with which it is possible to accompany actions. And it is possible and just to comment on actions of the child: "An antelope beetle removed a ringlet. Olen'ka removed one more ringlet. Olya removed all ringlets!" And for boys it is possible to make the self-made machine by means of make-shifts and ringlets.

One more good developing toy of 6 months is the spinning top. This toy is pleasant practically to all kids, and they can play with it rather long time. At first the kid will touch, consider and twirl it in hands. Then he with delight will watch how it spins. At this age large toys which during the movement make sounds most of all are pleasant, and in the case animals, as a rule, of a horse move.

The greatest delight causes in children when at them it turns out to start a spinning top independently. For this purpose at first it is necessary to help several times with it to the kid, at the same time it is worth to remember that together with the child each his new skill needs to rejoice and even to small achievement.

If the spinning top still seems rather difficult for the child of 6 months developing toy, it is possible to offer him a tumbler toy. As a rule, the toy which is shaken here and there pleases the kid, developing his observation, attention and coordination of movements.

Also kids at this age are attracted by all that can be undone and clasp. Best of all for this purpose the developing toys of 6 months on flypapers approach. It can be the children's books made of special material. The unnecessary bag which is not a pity for giving to the kid also will be suitable for this purpose. If the advantage of the children's book are bright pictures and an opportunity to turn over pages that will promote development of motility of hands, then the value of a bag consists that in it for the kid it is possible to put various medium-sized toys which he will back get and put with interest.

One of the good developing games for the child of 6 months is the game "Tunnel". It is suitable children for a training of muscles, improvement of coordination, working off new and improvement of already available movements. For it the big box with through pass is necessary. To draw attention of the child, it is necessary to sit down opposite to an exit and to call the kid or to put a toy at the exit. The main thing – to watch that the kid till the moment, will not accustom with a new game yet, was not frightened in a box. To help it, it is possible to change with the kid – as a rule, to meet mother crawling via the tunnel gives the child huge joy that teaches it to show the emotions.

Also it is possible to set movement skills by means of "Game of tag". This developing game for the child of 6 months allows to develop cognitive abilities and sense bodys and to fulfill synchronism of movements. In order that a game was interesting, allow the kid to catch up with you more often. And to play all family, it is possible to use various obstacles – large soft toys and cushions. They will be useful and to teach the kid to overcome obstacles that will also promote development of movement skills.

How to choose to the child of 6 months the developing toy

For the organization of the developing games of the child of 6 months it is absolutely optional to buy expensive toys. Best of all for this purpose simple and multipurpose toys approach. At this age of children the kitchen very much attracts. Therefore a set of plastic ware by means of which it is possible to try to imitate mother in preparation of a lunch will be the good choice for the child of this age.

Many children prefer to toy sets the real kitchen objects. Will be suitable for this purpose:

  • Plastic spoons, cups and plates. Also children are usually attracted by glasses from under yogurt which it is possible to put one in another as a pyramid;
  • Wooden spoons which it is cheerful to knock;
  • Plastic bottles – they can both empty, and filled with water or grain;
  • A set of multi-colored kitchen sponges which children often use as the first designer;
  • The plastic banks closed by a cover in which it is possible to put several pieces of sugar or to fill a little grain that turns them into the noise tool.

At such approach of the kid who is often switching the attention it is possible to take rather long time, offering it various options of a plain kitchen uvara.

For girls of 6 months the developing games can be organized, using self-made dolls. Besides that in this case it is possible to be sure that they are made of environmentally friendly materials, such dolls always attract more children as they can be allocated with any qualities.Как правильно организовать развивающие игры с ребенком 6 месяцев

Also rag dolls and toys which dress on a hand are suitable for communication with the child and his training. Such developing toys of 6 months can be bought in children's shop, and it is possible to make independently, using old gloves, color rags and buttons. By means of similar toys the attention, memory and creative thinking develop. While the kid monitors the movements, he improves the available movement skills, and also trains neck muscles when he turns a head.

Parents should know that such simple actions as attempts to remove and put on socks or to squeeze and unclench a sponge, are also necessary for the kid for his development. Therefore it is important to limit at this age its movements only to safety reasons.

As a game is an important component in development of children, it is necessary to approach selection of games and toys responsibly. Using their variety and creative approach, the child will be able to gain all-round development.

Whether you know that:

In operating time our brain spends the amount of energy equal to the 10 Watts bulb. So the image of a bulb over the head at the time of emergence of an interesting thought is not so far from the truth.