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6 weeks of pregnancy

On the 6th week of pregnancy the age of an embryo makes 4 weeks. It grows and develops enough in high gear. A delay of the next periods for 2 weeks and characteristic changes in health cannot remain unnoticed by the woman. On this term pregnancy most often is known.6 недель беременности - 4 недели эмбриону

What happens to a fruit

On the 6th week of pregnancy laying of the vital systems of future child proceeds. During this period the fruit is especially sensitive to adverse outside influences which can break formation of its bodies at the initial stages.

The fruit size on the 6th week of pregnancy makes about 7 - 9 mm in length, and weight - to 1 g. Continue the growth of an extremity, rudiments of fingers become more noticeable. Cartilaginous tissue which will give rise to bones and sinews is actively formed. On the 6th week of pregnancy there is laying of a thorax.

During the same period the thymus gland – the thymus located at children in the field of an upper mediastinum at once behind a thorax is put. The thymus gland is more than the size, than all other bodies of endocrine system at the age of 6 weeks. The important role of a thymus gland consists participation and regulation of immune processes in the developing bodies of a fruit though finally mechanisms of it are not studied.

The cordial tube of a fruit continues to develop and grow. Heart is reduced already regularly and with a bigger frequency, about 146 - 154 beats per minute. In it there is a rudiment of the general ventricle and an auricle.

On ultrasonography on the 6th week of pregnancy it is visible how lines of future person – a jaw, a nose, a mouth, auricles appear more clearly. Already on such early term rudiments of milk teeth are put. Eyes which were on both sides of the head in the form of rudiments before approach with each other and in the frontal plane. Their size remains quite big in comparison with other bodies.

On the 6th week the neurotubule at an embryo from which the brain forms completely drags on. Since the term of 6 weeks of pregnancy, in a brain the first crinkles are formed, and muscles and heart receive nervous bonds with it.

From 6 weeks begins the development a placenta, it absolutely small by the sizes also performs not all functions. The umbilical cord with vessels departs from it inside on which to a fruit nutrients and oxygen are delivered, and products of exchange and carbon dioxide move away from it.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 6th week of pregnancy

On the 6th week of pregnancy there can be symptoms of early toxicosis and increased fatigue.

Changes affect also mammary glands – blood supply improves that leads to their filling and increase in the size. The peripapillary circle darkens, and nipples become more sensitive.Размер плода на 6 неделе беременности - 7-9 мм

The uterus continues to grow, but a stomach on the 6th week of pregnancy it is not visible yet. In general the uterus on this term is entirely under the influence of progesterone. Under the influence of hormones on the 6th week of pregnancy of allocation from a genital tract is normal light and transparent, is more plentiful, than usually.

Inspection in 6 weeks of pregnancy

Recommendations about conducting pregnancy and to a way of life the same, as in 5 weeks. If the woman learned about the situation, then should not hesitate with registration on pregnancy. The test for pregnancy in 6 weeks already clearly positive – in urine enough a chorionic gonadotrophin collected.

Ultrasonography on the 6th week of pregnancy allows to learn quantity of fruits in a cavity of the uterus (from two in case of polycarpous pregnancy), and also to estimate the growth rate of future kid. Externally the fruit is similar to a haricot bean, and it is possible to hear its heartbeat clearly.

Ultrasonography as a possibility of differential diagnosis is appointed and if in 6 weeks of pregnancy the stomach hurts. Pulling and the colicy pain on such term can be both result of sprain under the influence of hormones, and threat of abortion, especially if pains are followed by bleeding.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.