a href="/javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-est-chtoby-pohudet-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-est-chtoby-pohudet-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-est-chtoby-pohudet-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">How many it is necessary to eat to lose weight? Arithmetics of weight loss is not so simple. When developing an individual diet it is necessary to consider not only energy value of a diet, but also approximate weight and volume of a portion, time of acceptance of food, own metabolic rate and physical activity, and also a set of other factors.
What has to be the volume of a portion? To learn how many is to lose weight, it is necessary to count total quantity of meals taking into account all having a snack. Usually – 4-7 times a day. It is natural that portions at 4 and 7-times food will differ.
On four times food the break between meals is the cornerstone of the weight loss mechanism. When food was already digested, insulin is not produced that in turn leads to the fact that the organism burns, but does not accumulate fatty deposits. The same hunger which comes usually slightly earlier than the put time belongs to minuses of such power supply system, and nutrients are acquired not so effectively, as at fractional food. How many it is necessary to eat to lose weight at 4-times food? The breakfast has to include 350-400 g of food, a lunch – to 800 g, an afternoon snack – to 300 g and a dinner – about 400 g.
The main plus of 5-times food is a high performance. And as meal occurs each 3 hours, sugar level in blood keeps on an optimum mark, without provoking feeling of hunger. Such way of catering services improves a metabolism as the digestive tract is busy all the time and burns more calories, than at rare and large portions. But there are also minuses. To eat each 3 hours, it is necessary to arrange at least under it a way of life. Fats at the same time are spent more slowly because of the increased content of insulin in blood. How many is to lose weight at five times food? For the first breakfast 350-400 g of food, have to fall on the second breakfast – 150-200 g, for lunch – to 800 g, for an afternoon snack – 150-200 g, for dinner – 400 g.
If you got used to have a bite more often, for example 6-7 times, then for each meal it is recommended to eat no more than 250-300 g. To improve a qualitative component of a diet, it is necessary to include apples, vegetables, nuts, muesli in having a snack. Watching that how many is to lose weight, do not forget to use not less than 2 liters of water a day.
There is a myth about norm in 2000 kcal a day for the woman and 2500-3000 – for the man. The myth as all of us are different. At someone a dense constitution, at someone – thin, one by nature gave distinguished bones, to others – wide, and still we differ on growth, age and a way of life. How many calories are necessary for weight loss actually, it is possible to calculate on a formula:
Besides, the received sum needs to be increased by the coefficient corresponding to a way of life:
Proceeding from this formula, it is possible to count for an example how many it is necessary to eat to lose weight to the 30-year-old woman weighing 70 kg, 160 cm in height which works with documents and does not play sports. For maintenance of a way of life it needs 10 x 70 kg + 6,25 x 160 - 5 x 30 - 161 = 1389 kcal. Taking into account activity her daily requirements make 1389 x 1,2 = 1667 kcal. Therefore, for weight loss it is necessary to consume with food less, than 1667 kcal.
There is also easier way of calculation which suits people with a normal constitution: on 1 kg of weight women have about 24 kcal and 26-27 kcal – at men. Depending on the level of a metabolism and physical activity this indicator will change.
So, we defined how to find a necessary daily optimum of calories. How many for kcal it is necessary to lose weight? For health it will be safe to reduce the general caloric content no more, than by 20%. If considerably to impoverish a diet, it is possible to lose weight quicker. But this measure is effective only during the short term after which the metabolism begins to be slowed down, and already then you will cease to lose weight even if you will consume less calories, than spend.
How many calories for weight loss are considered safe norm? The border of the minimum caloric content, safe for health, passes on a mark 1200 kcal for women and 1800 kcal for men.
Deciding how many is to lose weight, it is necessary to remember that even the diet, very modest on caloric content, can not promote weight loss, and, on the contrary, lead to a set of weight if you use the wrong power supply circuit. For example, when the main caloric content and serving size have at vespers time of day, your organism does not receive energy for normal functioning and slows down all exchange processes, passing into the mode of conservation of energy. You can feel weakness, drowsiness.
Having a stress in the first half of day, the organism remains in a regime of economy also in the evening, reserving nutrients to provide itself with energy next day. In that case in the evening, eating everything that was not managed to be used in a day, you promote accumulation of large strategic reserves of fat of which then it will be difficult to get rid. Important not only the nobility how many is to lose weight but also to understand when it is the best of all to do it.
If evenly to distribute food on 3-7 receptions during the day, then sleep mode will be replaced by active. Then the expense of calories will correspond to consumption, and you continue the movement towards ideal weight.
If you want to make process of weight loss more effective, it is worth including the products accelerating exchange processes in a diet. Treat them:
There is no definite answer to a question how many it is necessary to eat to lose weight. However, knowing what products have to enter a diet what has to be the optimum caloric content and frequency rate of meal, you will be able to make the individual program of food which will help you to lose weight. Use our councils, set the real purposes and begin to move to them right now.
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