a href="/javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/temperament-i-harakter-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/temperament-i-harakter-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/temperament-i-harakter-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">Temperament specialists call set of specific dynamic features of behavior which acts as a basis of development and formation of character. Thus, in psychology temperament and character are considered as the complementary phenomena which also exert strong impact at each other. Of course, it is wrong to believe that these concepts are synonyms, but together with it their close interrelation is obvious.
If to speak available language, then character it is accepted to call features of behavior of the person which influence communication with it, and temperament – features of manifestation of this behavior, force and brightness of emotional reaction. Together with it it is necessary to tell that temperament is rather individual properties of human mentality by which mental activity of the personality is defined.
So, temperament is meant as set of inborn properties of the person, and character – generalization of the qualities acquired during life. Temperament and character in psychology are divided also by definition: temperament is caused by various biological features of the person whereas character is defined, first of all, by the social environment in which it exists and develops.
Thus, it is possible to generalize that in various social conditions at people different traits of character come to light that cannot be told about temperament: it, as a rule, remains invariable in any conditions. Also character is not least caused by education and culture whereas on temperament huge impact is exerted by specific features of a nervous system.
Besides, traits of character give in to assessment, and properties of a certain type of temperament are not estimated. That is to tell that the person has a good or bad character, quite perhaps, however to temperament the similar characteristic is inapplicable. For this reason in psychology temperament and character though act usually together, nevertheless can sometimes be considered separately from each other.
To reveal interrelation of character and temperament, it is necessary to consider types of the last:
The sanguine person is the type of temperament differing in mobility and sociability. It vividly reacts to any events and rather easily transfers various troubles and failures. People have very live mimicry of this kind, they are quite emotional, however their emotions too quickly replace each other. For this reason often attribute to sanguine persons inconstancy and superficiality.
Properties of temperament and character of the person belonging to type of the choleric person can be characterized quite often as constant impetuosity and passion. It is subject to sharp and frequent differences of mood and rough emotional flashes. Additional properties it is possible to call disbalance, emotionality, hypererethism, and quite often irritability and aggression.
Phlegmatic persons differ in relative constancy both in the beliefs and aspirations, and in mood. It is very difficult to enrage or learn such person that occurs at him inside: external expressions of sincere experiences at them are practically absent. The main properties of this type it is possible to call tranquility, endurance, sometimes laziness and indifference to surrounding events and people.
Temperament and character of the melancholiac differ in supersensitivity, vulnerability and an impressionability. People of this kind very long and painfully endure any insignificant failures, they quite often observe problems with a self-assessment and an inferiority complex. This type is, as a rule, inclined to uneasiness and isolation.
Apparently, temperament and character of the person are in close interrelation, however, as it was noted above, dynamic features of manifestation of character are defined by temperament. It means that its such line as, for example, sociability at the phlegmatic person and the sanguine person will have different manifestation.
Besides, temperament can how strongly to influence development of separate traits of character, and to interfere with it in specific cases. Also some features of character of the person can constrain manifestation of properties of temperament in various situations.
It is wrong to believe that properties of character and temperament make a whole and on specific lines it is possible to judge temperament type. Rather the last just influences a form of manifestation of some features of the first.
So, all 4 types can have such trait of character as diligence, but it at all of them will be expressed differently:
Thus, the interrelation of character and temperament is not a reality. Especially as specialists note: the accurate type of the sanguine person, choleric person, phlegmatic person or melancholiac with his characteristic properties can be met seldom in real life. Most often people possess the mixed temperament type, that is properties which allocated various types are inherent in them. Of course, advantage of one type over others is not excluded at the expense of what and the person, as a rule, belongs to specific of them.
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