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How to reach family wellbeing

Обязательные условия семейного благополучияIt is known that any marriage union in development worries not only the happy periods, but also stages of crises. There is no family which would not face various problems or misunderstanding in specific situations, and it is not an exception to the rules: it is rather, pattern. It is simply important to understand that for achievement of family wellbeing it is necessary to fight against such crises through joint efforts, as well as to build the harmonious relations in the marriage union. In this article we will consider the major factors and conditions promoting mutual understanding in married couple and strengthening marriage.

Factors of family wellbeing

The first condition of family wellbeing, naturally, the love and attachment of spouses is considered. And importance of such feelings in the matter hardly someone will begin to deny. Together with it, it should be noted that only on love marriage will not be able to hold on for an appreciable length of time. The mutual passion and a romantic spirit which characterize an initial stage of the relations last long not so as it would be desirable.

It is explained by the habit force as sooner or later the person gets used to the partner and does not aim at a gain of his love with a former force any more. It is wrong to believe that at this stage of feeling die away and severe life begins. For achievement of family wellbeing it is necessary to approach such turn of events with understanding and confidence that he will not act as a hindrance to the real feelings.

If spouses calculate that they will have enough mutual enthusiasm at the beginning of the relations for many years joint happy life, they will doubt the beliefs soon. The marriage union is not only romantic walks in the evenings and beautiful declarations of love: the family assumes also general life, and, therefore, cares and problems. Not everyone is ready for such testing for this reason many couples get divorced, without having lived together and several years.

Specialists revealed major factors of family wellbeing which should be taken into account to all who are going to begin joint life with darling:

  • Orientation on the spouse;
  • Sympathy and trust;
  • Communication without the conflicts;
  • Mutual understanding;
  • Sexual satisfaction;
  • Material welfare.

The orientation on the spouse is the most important condition of family wellbeing as acts as a mutual understanding basis. She assumes the attentive attitude towards interests, preferences, habits of darling. Ideally spouses have to take the actions only taking into account desires and needs of each other.

The sympathy and trust are also necessary factors of family wellbeing, if not to take a liking for the person with whom you are going to live the marriage union is doomed to a failure. And when in the relations there is no trust, the love gradually comes to naught as its place is taken by eternal suspicions, jealousy and discontent.

Normal communication without constant quarrels and the conflicts has to be present at each good family. People need to share the emotions, impressions and experiences with relatives therefore it is necessary to create houses such atmosphere which disposes spouses to mutual frankness and trusting relationships.

Mutual understanding acts as one of the most important conditions of family wellbeing. In order that to reach it, spouses need a lot of time and tests. But the key moment it is possible to call condescension and tolerance on the relation here to each other which are fine qualities for creation of a strong family.

Sexual satisfaction also very often comes over the years joint life as partners learn preferences of each other not at once: on it time and desire is necessary. When people are connected by mutual strong feeling, practically all problems of sexual character are solvable. It is caused by the strong aspiration to give both pleasure to the spouse.

Important factor of family wellbeing is also material security of a family. For anybody not a secret that financial difficulties which have chronic character very quickly influence relationship of married couple. Household problems which do not manage to be solved the debts and nervous stresses caused by all this prevent people to enjoy the feeling and to live in harmony. The lion share of the family conflicts is connected with a subject of money.

Symbols of family wellbeing

Recently the doctrine Hair dryer Shui by means of whom many people call material security, harmony in the relations and love to the house was widely adopted. For this purpose it is necessary just to know what main symbols of family wellbeing exist in this doctrine:

  • Aquarium;
  • Turtle;
  • Dragon;
  • Phoenix.

The aquarium is one of the main symbols of family wellbeing in the material plan. It is considered that it attracts money to the house therefore it is the best of all to place in it goldfishes and, of course, not to forget to feed them in time and to clean an aquarium.

Ключевые факторы семейного благополучияThe turtle also acts as a symbol of material prosperity and health therefore she consults to get a live water turtle who will live in an aquarium: such combination has to provide double effect.

The dragon is a symbol of family wellbeing, success in affairs and career development. Besides, specialists consider that it allocates inhabitants of the house with the special energy developing such qualities as commitment and endurance.

The phoenix acts as if as addition of a dragon as in the Chinese mythology they are considered as spouses. It provides to a family glory, success and the strong relations. Besides, if to place it in the southern part of the house, then such mascot will protect family members from all negative impact from the outside.

Together with it it is necessary to remember that the best symbols of family wellbeing first of all are the love and mutual understanding in the marriage union.

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