The psychological term an interiorization was entered by the French scientists. The concept meant inoculation of ideology to an individual. That is, transfer of public consciousness in individual. In modern English-language dictionaries of psychological terms the interiorization is replaced with internalization. For psychoanalysts it is mental process which designates relationship with the real or imagined object, transformation of an external factor to internal. The interiorization problem in psychoanalysis remains debatable. Till today it is not found out whether processes of absorption, identifications, introjections are identical, or they are carried out in parallel each other.
In domestic psychology value an interiorization was given to the word by Vygotsky as the concept "vrashchivaniye" – transformation of external activity to the internal plan of consciousness. Development of human mentality, according to Vygotsky's theory, originally develops from the outside, depending on the external social factors accepted in society. External collective forms of activity by an interiorization are built in consciousness of the person and become individual.
The highest mental functions develop first as external forms of activity, and only in the course of an interiorization they turn into mental processes of the individual. Researches at Vygotsky's school allowed to formulate the basic fundamental provisions:
By an interiorization there is a transformation of external signs into internal mental activity. Such process cannot independently take place. The correct mental development of the child is possible only in the conditions of communication with surrounding people.
By means of an interiorization of people studies to make mental plans, to develop options. In other words, receives ability to think of abstract categories.
Any concept is an activity product therefore it is impossible to teach it. However it is possible to organize so training process that the interiorization of activity will occur step by step and progressively. Cogitative function in originally material action, being exposed to an interiorization, becomes a part of mental process. The intellectual plan is not some empty vessel which can be filled with something. The internal plan is the continuous process which is in a condition of formation. Each new intellectual action relies on experience which is gained thanks to an activity interiorization, and transition "from the outside inside", according to Galperin, is the main mechanism of formation of the intellectual plan. Galperin removed key parameters of transformation of action:
Levels of execution can differ with complexity, depending on objectives. Performance of this or that task can happen on three subtotals. It following actions:
The highest level of an interiorization of activity consists in ability to make these or those actions "in mind", without using additional tools: book, calculator and so on.
Formation of intellectual actions, according to Galperin's concept, takes place the following stages:
The child passes consistently all these stages, developing thinking.
In domestic psychology the interiorization means process of transformation of the interpersonal relations to the relations with itself. Acceptance, the processing and storage of sign information "in" mentality based on memory do not belong to the phenomenon of a social interiorization. In development of higher nervous activity of the person distinguish the following stages:
Stages of a social interiorization there pass all people, without exception. The child is accustomed to cogitative activity without use of specific objects.
In the theory of activity the interiorization represents transfer of certain external actions in the internal, intellectual plan. External activity as a result of an interiorization undergoes some changes, especially in an operational part.
In psychoanalysis processes of influence of the interindividual relations, formation of structure of unconscious speak: individual and collective, as defines structure of consciousness.
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