Main > Diseases> Adenocarcinoma


Аденокарцинома матки - это злокачественное образование, поражающее внутренний слой маткиAdenocarcinoma – the organonespetsifichesky malignancy created by the changed cells of the ferruterous epithelium covering internals. The adenocarcinoma strikes various bodies, that is this disease is not characterized by accurate localization.

Adenocarcinoma: typology of malignant new growths

The term an adenocarcinoma is also applied to a number of malignant new growths which in process mention organism glands. Feature of the cells forming an adenocarcinoma is ability to produce slime. As the produced secret of an adenocarcinoma subdivide on serous and mucous and secretory. The new growth can be homogeneous or form cavities, so-called cysts. In that case it is accepted to speak about a cystadenocarcinoma.

Adenocarcinomas can be various sizes, their structure and a form completely depend on structurally functional features of cells of fabric of body which create a tumor.

In morphological genesis of an adenocarcinoma allocate two main stages:

  • Pretumor changes of fabrics;
  • Stage of formation and growth of a tumor.

On differentiation degree (finding by cells of these or those profile functions) adenocarcinomas divide on:

  • Low-differentiated – adenocarcinomas which structure cannot be associated with a certain fabric are characterized by the most advanced stage of a zlokachestvennost, ability to form metastasises;
  • Moderate differentiated – tumors which structure it is difficult to associate with structure of fabric by which cells it is formed;
  • High-differentiated – the tumors which are characterized by the structure similar to a structure of fabric which cells the malignant new growth forms.

Stomach adenocarcinoma

The adenocarcinoma of a stomach is histologic type of a carcinoma of the stomach. On classification of World Health Organization allocate the following types of adenocarcinomas of a stomach:

  • Papillary;
  • Tubular;
  • Mucinous.

The adenocarcinoma of a stomach takes the fourth place in the world among the diagnosed malignancies. This disease is characterized by very high rates of mortality that puts it on the second place after lung cancer among indicators of oncological mortality. More often the gastric adenocarcinoma arises at men. Metastasises are formed in 82-94% of cases.

The major factors promoting development of an adenocarcinoma call:

  • Features of a diet and diet (deficit of ascorbic acid, excess use of salt, marinated, smoked, salty products, fried food, animal oils);
  • Genetic factor;
  • Addictions (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • Infectious inflammatory processes (contamination of Helicobacter Pylori).

The main symptoms of an adenocarcinoma of a stomach are:

  • Appetite loss, disturbance of digestive function;
  • Disgust for meat;
  • Adynamy;
  • Considerable loss of weight;
  • Feeling of early saturation (saturation from small quantity of food);
  • Gastric discomfort;
  • Vomiting, bleedings, changes calla, abdominal distention, delay of fecal masses (symptoms of late stages);
  • Pains of various character.

At early stages of development the disease is characterized by an asymptomatic current. The adenocarcinoma of a stomach has to be differentiated with peptic ulcers, gastritises, high-quality educations, other malignant tumors. The symptomatic complex of early stages of an adenocarcinoma is a little other than symptomatology of the majority of gastric diseases.

The main method of treatment of an adenocarcinoma of a stomach is surgical excision of a tumor, is often combined with a stomach resection. The chemotherapy and beam influence are applied as auxiliary techniques.

Uterus adenocarcinoma

The adenocarcinoma of a uterus represents the malignant hormonedependent education striking an inside layer of a uterus – an endometria. This form of a disease is the main morphological option of cancer of uterus. The disease is most often diagnosed for patients aged from 40 up to 60 years.

Major factors of risk of development of an adenocarcinoma of a uterus are:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity;
  • Existence of an adenocarcinoma or other cancer formations of generative organs, breast cancer, ovaries in the family anamnesis;
  • Idiopathic hypertensia;
  • Imbalance of a hormonal background of an organism with the increased estrogen level;
  • Infertility.

The main symptoms of an adenocarcinoma of a uterus are:

  • The previous endometria diseases (inflammatory processes, polyps, endometria adenomatosis (increase in number of glands in an endometria), an atipichesky hyperplasia of functional and/or basal layers of fabric of an endometria);
  • The chronic pains in lumbar department of the aching pulling character which are not caused by other factors;
  • Long menstrual bleedings of painful character;
  • Uterine bleedings in the middle of a cycle;
  • Uterine bleedings in the period of a postmenopause;
  • Atypical pains in the bottom of a stomach;
  • The purulent vaginal discharges having an unpleasant smell;
  • Sanious allocations during sexual intercourse.

Distinguish 4 stages of development of a disease depending on which treatment tactics is defined. The adenocarcinoma of a uterus does not assume conservative methods of treatment. Hormonal therapy, combined with radiation therapy, is applied in cases when an operative measure is not possible owing to a condition of the patient. At the first stage of a disease the uterus with appendages is removed. When diagnosing the second stage of an adenocarcinoma of a uterus nearby lymph nodes which presumably can be affected with metastasises are also removed.

Rectum adenocarcinoma

Rectum adenocarcinoma – cancer of a rektum developing from cells of a ferruterous epithelium. The adenocarcinoma of a rektum is considered an age disease, more often this malignancy is diagnosed for patients after 50 years.

Major factors of risk of development of an adenocarcinoma of a rectum:

  • Defective diet (deficit of fruit and vegetables in food, excess of fats of animal origin);
  • Addictions (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • Cancer formations of a GIT in the family anamnesis, genetic predisposition;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes, polyps of a rektum;
  • Human papillomavirus infection;
  • Proctal sexual intercourses.

Аденокарцинома ректума проявляется с возрастом, чаще всего после 50 летRectum adenocarcinoma symptoms:

  • Blood in fecal masses, release of pus and slime at an excrement;
  • Rectum pains, especially at an excrement, feeling of a foreign body;
  • Locks and diarrheas.

In the absence of due treatment the adenocarcinoma of a rektum burgeons in nearby bodies owing to what fistulas between a rectum are formed, a bladder, a crotch, gases and fecal masses are emitted through an urethra. The adenocarcinoma of a rektum assumes operational treatment by removal or a rectectomy.

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