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Adonis Brom

Экстракт горицвета - основа состава Адонис Брома

Medicine Adonis bromine concerns to sedative group. Its structure is based on adonis extract (the scientific name of a plant – the adonis) and potassium bromide that promotes rendering the calming and cardiotonic effect.

In traditional medicine the adonis is used since the seventeenth century, presently its medicinal properties were used by production of drug Adonis bromine. Drug is characterized by also diuretic action.

In what cases Adonis bromine is applied

The adonis bromine is appointed at a number of diseases cardiovascular and the central nervous system, and also at such symptoms as an acrimony, blood circulation disturbance, neurotic frustration, sleeplessness.

Drug use Adonis bromine allows to normalize blood circulation and to prevent development of a chronic form of a circulatory unefficiency. According to the instruction, Adonis bromine makes tonic action on a vagus nerve, and it allows to normalize a cardiac rhythm.

In combination with others, the drugs appointed by the doctor, Adonis bromine can be applied at treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia.

The diuretic effect which Adonis bromine has allows to eliminate the hypostases caused by disturbances of cordial activity and in work of vessels. Drug promotes delay of a cordial rhythm. At attentive studying of the instruction of Adonis bromine and after consultation with the doctor drug can be accepted for prevention of development of diseases of a nervous system.

Adonis's use bromine

Адонис Бром

In Adonis's drugstores bromine is on sale in the form of tablets. They are accepted inside in the usual way. The daily dose of drug of Adonis bromine should not exceed 5 tablets. At the preventive use of tablets Adonis bromine is recommended reception no more than two-three in day. The course of treatment drug assumes reception of 3-4 tablets for twenty four hours.

Adonis's instruction bromine specifies that the maximum effect of drug intake occurs in four hours. Full removal of components Adonis bromine from an organism comes in two days after the last pill was taken.

Use of this drug, as well as many other calming medicines, has to be followed by a rigid diet. According to responses, Adonis bromine allows to reach the maximum effect on condition of addition in a food allowance of products with the high content of potassium. Apricots and juice from fresh fruit, potatoes in the baked look, parsley, cucumbers, cabbage, blackcurrant, dried apricots, grapefruit, haricot, a liver concern to those. During treatment by drug Adonis bromine it is necessary to minimize the use of salt and its addition in various dishes.

Side effects at the use Adonis-Brom

Long reception of tablets Adonis bromine can provoke excessive oppression of the central nervous system that will be followed by drowsiness, slackness, block of reactions, the general weakness and oppression of physical activity.

On some responses of Adonis bromine can provoke appetite easing, but it is impossible to refuse regular meal at all. From the alimentary system frustration are also possible. Seldom there is nausea and vomiting that is a consequence of the irritating effect which appears drug Adonis bromine on mucous a digestive tract.

Contraindications at Adonis's reception bromine

Adonis bromine is not appointed at the pathologies connected with the wrong sizes of heart and at inborn heart diseases. In Adonis's instruction bromine it is specified that drug is not recommended to be accepted at arrhythmias, the broken cordial conductivity. It is not necessary to appoint drug to himself independently after reading of comments on Adonis bromine. Only consultation with the doctor, and in certain cases and additional inspections, can become the basis for a course of treatment of Adonis bromine.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.