Main > Drugs> Alka-Zelttser


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 296 rub.

Шипучие таблетки Алка-ЗельтцерAlka-Zelttser – the combined non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NPVP).

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – sparkling tablets: a round form, flat, white color, with a facet on one party and an engraving in the speaker on perimeter of a convex circle - "ALKA SELTZER" – on another (in the paper laminated strips on 2 or 10 pieces, in a pack of cardboard 5 strips on 2 pieces, 1 or 2 strips on 10 pieces).

Active agents as a part of 1 tablet:

  • Natrii hydrocarbonas – 1625 mg;
  • Citric acid – 965 mg;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid – 324 mg.

Additional components: siloxane/silicate, sodium saccharinate, doss-Natrium benzoicum, povidone 25, fragrances lime and lemon.

Indications to use

Alka-Zelttser – drug for a symptomatic treatment of a pain syndrome:

  • Headache (including after alcohol intake);
  • Dentagra;
  • Painful periods;
  • Pharyngalgia;
  • Joint pain, muscles;
  • Dorsodynia.

As an antipyretic Alka-Zelttser is recommended at infectious and inflammatory and catarrhal diseases.



  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Aggravation of erosive cankers of digestive tract;
  • Asthma owing to reception of other NPVP or salicylates;
  • I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Simultaneous use of a methotrexate in a dose from 15 mg a week;
  • Age up to 15 years, especially in cases of the acute respiratory diseases caused by viral infections;
  • Hypersensitivity to components of drug or other NPVP.

Relative (Alka-Zelttser take with caution):

  • Episodes of gastrointestinal bleedings;
  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstny gut in the anamnesis, including recurrent and chronic disease;
  • Liver/renal failure;
  • Gout;
  • Deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy;
  • The accompanying therapy by anticoagulants.

Route of administration and dosage

Alka-Zelttser it is necessary to accept inside, having dissolved a tablet in 200 ml of water (1 glass).

To adults and teenagers 15 years are more senior appoint on 1 tablet to 6 times a day. At high temperature and severe pains increase in a single dose up to 2-3 tablets is possible. The most admissible daily dose – 9 tablets, the minimum interval between receptions – 4 hours.

If the doctor did not appoint other, duration of therapy should not exceed 3 days at use of drug for decrease in the increased body temperature, and 5 days – at Alka-Zelttser's reception as anesthetic.

Side effects

  • From system of a hemopoiesis: increase in risk of bleeding;
  • From the central nervous system: a sonitus and dizziness (usually are overdose signs);
  • From the alimentary system: hidden or explicit (a tar-like chair, vomiting with blood) symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding (can lead to an iron deficiency anemia), heartburn, abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, digestive tract erosive cankers (including with perforation); in some cases – increase in hepatic transaminases;
  • Allergic reactions: rash on skin, a bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions, a Quincke's edema.

Special instructions

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASK) can cause hypersensitivity reactions, including an attack of bronchial asthma and a bronchospasm. Risk factors are fever, nose polyps, bronchial asthma, an allergy in the anamnesis (an enanthesis, allergic rhinitises), chronic bronchopulmonary diseases.

ASK has an inhibiting effect on aggregation of thrombocytes because of what can increase tendency to bleeding. This fact should be considered in need of carrying out surgical intervention, even such small as an odontectomy. For reduction of bleeding during operation it is necessary to cancel Alka-Zelttser in 5-7 days prior to intervention. It is necessary to warn the doctor about administration of drug.

As ASK reduces removal from an organism of uric acid, it can cause a bad attack of gout in patients with predisposition.

Children cannot appoint drug up to 15 years as in case of development in them of a viral infection the risk of emergence of a syndrome to Reja, his symptoms increases: long vomiting, increase in a liver, acute encephalopathy.

Patients who adhere to a diet with limited consumption of sodium should consider that contains in 1 tablet of Alka-Zelttser 445 mg of sodium.

Drug does not exert a negative impact on the speed of reactions and ability to concentration of attention.

Medicinal interaction

  • Ethanol, anticoagulants (for example, heparin): the probability of injury of a mucous membrane of digestive tract increases, the bleeding time increases;
  • Urikozurata (for example, бензбромарон): the uricosuric effect decreases;
  • Digoxin: its concentration increases;
  • Trombolitiki: the risk of developing of bleeding increases;
  • Valproic acid: its toxicity amplifies;
  • Antidiabetic drugs, including insulin: their hypoglycemic action increases;
  • System glucocorticosteroids, except for the hydrocortisone applied as replacement therapy at Addison's disease: level of salicylates in blood decreases;
  • Methotrexate in a dose from 15 mg a week: its hemolitic cytotoxicity increases;
  • Diuretics in a dose from 3 mg a day: glomerular filtering decreases;
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in a dose from 3000 mg a day: glomerular filtering decreases and, as a result, the anti-hypertensive effect decreases;
  • Other NPVP and high doses of salicylates (from 3000 mg a day): the risk of developing of an ulcer and bleeding increases.

Terms and storage conditions

To store at a temperature up to 25 °C in the place unavailable to children.

Period of validity – 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Alka-Zelttser of a tablet soluble 10 pieces

296 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Alka-Zelttser тбл thorn. No. 10, Bayer

314 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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