Application instruction:
Ambiz is an antibiotic of antifungal action.
Release Ambiz in the form of powder and solution for performing infusions.
Active ingredient of drug – liposomal Amphotericinum of Century.
According to the instruction, Ambiz appoint at:
Ambizom's use is shown also to patients with the oncopathology which was complicated by a neutropenia – for the prevention of development of fungal infections and to patients to whom bone marrow transplantation or parenchymatous bodies is appointed.
According to the instruction Ambiz it is effective at the feverish syndrome of not clear origin remaining after carrying out for 4 days of an antibioticotherapia, which arose at the patients inclined to development of fungal infections or patients with a neutropenia.
Ambizom's use along with performing infusion of leukocytic weight is contraindicated, and also at hypersensitivity to active ingredient of means.
Ambiz in combination with the drugs suppressing growth of tumors can cause pressure decline, bronchospasms and disturbance of renal function.
According to the instruction Ambiz enter intravenously kapelno for 30-60 minutes. For treatment of system mycosis enter 1 mg/kg/days, raising a dosage if necessary to 3 mg/kg/days.
Treatment lasts 2-4 weeks, during this time it is necessary to enter 1-3 g of drug.
For the prevention of the invasive fungal infection arising at transplantation of parenchymatous bodies enter 1 mg/kg/days of means for 5 days after operation.
The patients sick with the HIV infection complicated by the disseminated cryptococcosis accept on 3 mg/kg/days for 6 weeks. After that in some cases, for the prevention of repeated development of an infection, appoint 1 more course of treatment.
For treatment of a visceral leushmaniosis for 21 days accept 1-1,5 mg/kg/days or 3 mg/kg/days of Ambizom for 10 days. The same dosage is applied at an immunodeficiency.
Patients with the neutropenia formed after passing of chemotherapy or use of glucocorticosteroids in high doses have to accept 2 mg/kg/days. For elimination of the fever which is not giving in to an antibioticotherapia appoint by Ambiz in a dosage 1-3 mg/kg before recovery of normal temperature and level of neutrophils (to 1 thousand / мкл).
Children can appoint drug in the same dosages calculated proceeding from body weight.
Before use by Ambiz dissolve in sterile water which does not contain bacteriostatic additives, before achievement of concentration of 4 mg/ml. Thus, 12 ml of water are the share of 1 bottle from 50 mg of drug. After liquid addition the bottle is stirred up before receiving homogeneous suspension.
Ambizom's use can cause the following side effects:
Besides, in the place of an injection thrombophlebitis or phlebitis can develop.
The hypopotassemia and pathologies of cardiovascular system are caused by a concomitant use of drug with glucocorticosteroids, adrenocorticotropic hormones, karboangidraza inhibitors.
Ambizom's combination to gematotoksichesky drugs causes oppression of marrow.
In turn, means can increase toxicity of cardiac glycosides, a flutsitozin, nefrotoksichny drugs, muscle relaxants.
Drug is not combined with saline solutions (including with physiological).
The solvents containing bacteriostatic additives can lead to loss of a deposit.
Antifungal imidazolny drugs cause resistance to Amphotericinum of Century.
Ambizom's analogs are:
Ambiz it is necessary to store in the dry place unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C. It is possible to store means in a divorced look only days, observing a certain temperature condition – 2-8 °C.
The period of validity of drug makes 3 years.
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
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