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from 308 rub.

АмписидAmpisid is a semi-synthetic antibiotic from group of penicillin.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredients of Ampisid are ampicillin and to sulbakta, it is the drug of a wide range steady against acids. Antibacterial activity ampicillin which collapses under the influence of a beta laktamaz, and to sulbakta has, without having ability to fight against bacteria, acts as inhibitor beta лактамаз and therefore Ampisid is an antibiotic which can resist to strains, steady against lactamelements.

Ampisid's use, owing to its pharmacological properties, is inefficient in fight against penitsillinoobrazuyushchy strains of stafilokokk, strains of a stick pyocyanic, the majority of enterobakteriya, strains клебсиелл.

Release form

Ampisid release in tablets, in powders for cultivation of solution for in/in introductions. Also Ampisid in suspension is made.

Indications to Ampisid's use

Ampisid according to the instruction appoint at bacterial infections which are caused by activators, sensitive to an antibiotic:

  • ENT SPECIALIST of an infection;
  • infections of a respiratory organs;
  • infections of generative organs and urinary tract;
  • infections of soft tissues, integuments;
  • infections of biliary tract;
  • GIT infections;
  • infections of joints and bones.

Also apply Ampisid at meningitis, an endocarditis, peritonitis, sepsis, a gonococcal infection, scarlet fever. Ampisid at prevention of complications after operations of abdominal organs, a small pelvis is effective.

Application instruction of Ampisid

Амписид таблеткиAmpisid's dose necessary for treatment of a certain infection miscalculates individually: it depends on localization and the course of a disease, sensitivity of a disease-producing factor. In Ampisid's instruction average rates of application of an antibiotic are specified.

Ampisid the adult for intake appoint on 250-500mg (single dose) 4 р / days. Ampisid for children who weigh to 20 kg appoint on 12,5-25mg to kilogram of weight with an interval of 6 hours. The average duration of a course of treatment Ampisid – 5-14 days. Ampisid in suspension is more preferable to give to children.

At intravenous and intramuscular administration Ampisid appoint the adult on 250-500mg (single dose) with a break of 4-6 h Ampisid for children appoint 25-50mg (single dose) to one kilogram of weight.

Side effects

Ampisid's use can cause such side effects: the erythema, rhinitis, urticaria, a Quincke's edema, konjyuktivit.

Cases of an acute anaphylaxis, eosinophilia, fever, emergence of joint pains, emergence of nausea, vomiting are recorded. Also against the background of Ampisid's use there can be candidiasis of an oral cavity and vaginal, dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Perhaps toxic effect of drug on the central nervous system at patients with a renal failure. Patients with sepsis can have a bacteriolysis.


Ampisid according to the instruction do not appoint at a mononucleosis infectious, intolerance of penicillin, including, ampicillin, at a lymphoid leukosis, disturbances of hepatic function.

Use of means at pregnancy, in the presence of serious indications is possible. As the antibiotic is allocated with breast milk, during Ampisid's use, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. It is also necessary to remember that Ampisid reduces efficiency of the contraceptive means accepted inside.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Ampisid powder + mg solvent 1000 +500mg 1 pieces

308 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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