Main > Diseases> Anaphylaxis


The anaphylaxis represents acute and life-threatening reaction on a certain allergen which is followed by severe pain, hypostases, spasms of muscles and suffocation. Reaction can appear both after a sting of insects, and after drug intake or interaction with other allergens.Анафилаксия - острая реакция организма человека на определенный аллерген

Reasons and symptoms of an anaphylaxis

Symptoms of an anaphylaxis can be shown at once or in several hours after allergic contact. The most often common symptoms of an anaphylaxis are hypostases, severe pain, a spasm of muscles, reddenings, skin rash, an itch, nausea, vomiting, hypostases of bodies of respiratory system.

Late symptoms of a disease are bronchospasms, hoarseness and the complicated breath, a hypoxia, urticaria, tachycardia. Heart begins to work spasmodically with interruptions and the wrong reduction. If not to give to the patient help, then the anaphylaxis leads to sharp falling of arterial pressure, a loss of consciousness and a lethal outcome.

A certain allergen as which medicines and their components, poison of insects, hair of animals, pollen of plants, foodstuff, etc. can act is the main reason for an anaphylaxis. Sometimes at the first contact with allergen the anaphylaxis is not shown, but at repeated interaction develops quickly enough.

The allergy and anaphylaxis influence at each other from availability of allergen. The anaphylaxis can be shown at hit of allergen in blood of the person and the introduction in reaction with immunoglobulin from which allocation of a histamine and formation of inflammatory process results.

Narcotic drugs and the contrasting substances, aspirin and nonsteroid drugs which cause anaphylactoid reactions in people with chronic diseases can be the reasons of an anaphylaxis. The allergy and an anaphylaxis are closely connected as patients with allergic reactions are often subject to an acute anaphylaxis.

Main types of an anaphylaxis

The anaphylaxis has several types, depending on a type of allergen. The disease can be divided into several categories:

  • feeding response;
  • reaction to anesthesia during operation and at rehabilitation;
  • idiopathic reaction;
  • medicinal, narcotic and nonsteroid reaction;
  • reaction to exercise stresses;
  • reaction to flora and fauna.

At manifestation of symptoms of an anaphylaxis it is necessary to define immediately type of allergen and to begin treatment. After the postponed acute anaphylaxis the patient within several years is exposed to risk of repeated reaction.Введение определенной дозы адреналина - первая помощь в лечении анафилаксии

Treatment of an anaphylaxis

Treatment of an anaphylaxis is performed in the emergency order and consists in introduction of a certain dose of adrenaline. To patients who have chronic allergic reactions and transferred an acute anaphylaxis, it is necessary to carry with itself the syringe with adrenaline.

At ongoing symptoms of a disease urgent hospitalization of the patient and carrying out an intensive care is necessary. The patient has to be under constant observation of medical specialists before stabilization of a physical state.

After an anaphylaxis the doctor carries out observation of functioning of cardiovascular system, a brain, respiratory system and digestive organs. To the patient regularly measure the arterial pressure and pulse, and also appoint full diagnostic inspection.

For prevention of repeated display of an anaphylaxis appoint an immunotherapy which is intended for regulation of influence of allergens and preventing to development of inflammatory processes.

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