Main > Drugs> Anti-psoriasis


Антипсориаз классическийAnti-psoriasis – drug for prevention and treatment of psoriasis on the basis of vegetable components and solid oil. It is not registered as medicine.

Form of release and structure

Phytocream Antipsoriaz classical is produced in tubas on 130 ml.

As a part of drug water extracts of leaves of a silver birch, train three-separate, a celandine big, calendulas medicinal, an everlastings marsh, lanolin, camphor, linseed oil, a liquid paraffin, solid oil medical contain.

Indications to use

Phytocream is intended for treatment of any forms of psoriasis.


Antipsoriaz's use is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to components of drug and pustulous diseases of skin.

Ointment cannot be applied on open wounds as it can interfere with their healing.

Route of administration and dosage

According to the instruction, Antipsoriaz is rubbed in affected areas of skin before full absorption. It is recommended to apply drug in the evening at an interval of 2-3 hours twice. After disappearance of skin displays of a disease it is recommended to continue to use phytocream within 20 days.

The second option of use of Antipsoriaz – within 3 days drug is applied by 1-2 times a day, then do a break for one days then ointment is reused.

Drug begins to work in 25-35 days and is counted on prolonged use. Full clarification of skin from psoriasis rashes can take several months.

Side effects

In rare instances use of drug can cause skin allergic reactions. For the prevention of their emergence before use of phytocream the allergoprob should carry out – to apply ointment in a small amount on area of an elbow bend and to watch reaction within a day.

According to the instruction, Antipsoriaz in the first days of use can cause a slight itch and reddening (Kebner's effect), these phenomena pass independently in several days.

Special instructions

After therapy of psoriasis hormonal means the effect of use of drug is observed later.

For bystry achievement of result and long remission an integrated approach to treatment which has to include use of enterosorbents, observance of a rigid diet, maintenance of immunity and a healthy lifestyle is recommended.

It is not recommended to wear during treatment underwear and clothes from synthetic materials.


The following drugs have effect, similar to Antipsoriaz: Antipsor, Psorikon, Saved Psoriderm.

Conditions and periods of storage

Phytocream should be stored in the dry cool place.

Period of validity – 4 years of date of production.

Whether you know that:

The well-known drug "Viagra" was initially developed for treatment of an arterial hypertension.