Application instruction:
Aspekard is anti-aggregation (interfering pasting of thrombocytes) means. On group accessory this drug belongs to non-narcotic analgesics. In addition to antitrombotichesky action, Aspekard has still febrifugal, antiinflammatory and analgeziruyushchy properties.
The main active ingredient of drug is atsetilsatsilovy acid which properties predetermine Aspekard's abilities. The mechanism of effect of acetylsalicylic acid is based on disturbance of synthesis of prostacyclins, prostaglandins and thromboxane. Decrease in products of prostaglandins leads to reduction of their pyrogenic influence (temperature increase) on the centers of thermal control. Aspekard's use is resulted by decrease in influence of prostaglandins on sensitivity of nerve terminations to pain mediators. Antiagregantny effect of drug is caused by participation of acetylsalicylic acid in irreversible disturbance of synthesis of A2 thromboxane in thrombocytes.
Aspekard in a digestive tract is soaked up completely and quickly. The maximum concentration in a blood plasma is observed in 10-20 minutes after reception. Aspekard's linkng with proteins of plasma makes 49-70% (depending on concentration). Drug with urine in the form of metabolites is removed. Gets into breast milk, synovial fluid (is in a cavity of joints), cerebrospinal fluid through a blood-brain barrier.
Drug is appointed in the following cases:
According to the instruction to Aspekard, drug in the accruing doses is appointed for the purpose of reduction of sensitivity of an organism to influence of acetylsalicylic acid by its repeated use in the form of Aspekard, since the smallest doses.
Also this drug is appointed by the patient with "an aspirinovy triad" and "aspirinovy" asthma for formation of tolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The mode of dosing of this drug is defined by the doctor in an individual order for each patient. In the instruction to Aspekard the following recommendations are specified:
Aspekard's use in the form of sparkling tablets happens by their preliminary dissolution in 100-200 ml of water and oral administration after food. It is necessary to accept the recommended dose (0,25-1 g) 3-4 times a day.
According to the instruction, Aspekard can be the cause of the following negative reactions of an organism:
- nausea, diarrhea, an abdominal pain, vomiting, a microhemorrhage, stomach erosive cankers, unpleasant feelings in epigastric area, gastric bleedings;
- abnormal liver function and kidneys;
- anemia, thrombocytopenia;
- hypoglycemia;
- itch, skin rash, small tortoiseshell.
At prolonged use of Aspekard the nephrotic syndrome, intersticial nephrite, papillary neurosis, blood diseases, hypostases, aseptic meningitis are possible.
It is necessary to refuse Aspekard's use at:
According to the instruction, Aspekard is not appointed in the first trimester of pregnancy, to nursing mothers, children up to 14 years and to persons with hypersensitivity to salicylates.
It is necessary to store Aspekard in the dark and dry place at the room temperature. After three years from the moment of production drug is considered unsuitable to use.
Aspekard 100 is one of Aspekard's analogs. Pharmacological properties of this drug are caused by effect of acetylsalicylic acid (100 mg in one tablet).
Indications to use, a route of administration, side effects and Aspekard's contraindications 100 correspond to similar characteristics of Aspekard.
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