Main > Drugs> Ozone


Ozone – the synthetic drug used for treatment of various forms of depressions.

Form of release and structure

Medicine is produced in the form of capsules for intake with active agent – Trazodonum. On 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg.

Indications to use

Ozone renders the antidepressive and sedative (calming) action. Administration of drug promotes increase in depth and duration of a dream at depressions and reduces a morbid attraction to alcohol. It can be used at treatment of abstinent states as eliminates alarming conditions and frustration of a dream during the acute period.

Ozone does not cause accustoming, it is well soaked up from digestive tract. The effect of treatment is noted in 4-10 days from the moment of the beginning of reception.

According to the instruction, Azona is applied at various forms of depressions – endogenous, neurotic, psychotic, somatogenic. Medicine is effective in cases when the patient has 4 symptoms from listed:

  • Sleep disorder;
  • The lowered interest in the world around;
  • Block;
  • Loss of appetite or bulimia;
  • Delay of thinking;
  • The broken concentration of attention;
  • The lowered sexual activity;
  • Uneasiness, phobias;
  • Persuasive sense of guilt;
  • Suicide thoughts.

Also indications to use of drug of Azon is the acute abstinence syndrome at alcoholism and benzodiazepine medicinal dependence. Use of this medicine for prevention of attacks of migraine is in certain cases possible.


Azona's use is contraindicated to pregnant women, and also to women in the period of a lactation. Drug cannot be used at patients with hypersensitivity to Trazodonum, ventricular arrhythmia, tachycardia, a priapism in the anamnesis, and also at an acute myocardial infarction.

According to the instruction Azona with care should be applied at the patients who did not reach age of 18 years at heart diseases, arterial hypertension (as the additional hypotensive effect is possible), at a renal or liver failure.

Route of administration and dosage

For treatment of slight depressions the dosage of drug makes 150-200 mg a day divided into 3 receptions, at the same time the most part of a dose is recommended to be accepted in the evening (before going to bed). At moderate and heavy forms of a depression the dosage can be increased to 300 mg a day, as much as possible – 600 mg (as a rule, at hospitalization).

Side effects

Azona's use can be followed by some side effects from TsNS which are shown usually in the form of drowsiness, dizziness, a headache, excitement, a disorientation, a mialgiya, lacks of coordination of movements, sleeplessness, increased fatigue, a tremor, a disorientation and a black-out.

Disturbances from cardiovascular system can be shown as arrhythmia, bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, conductivity disturbance, fibrillation of ventricles, a lowering of arterial pressure, unconscious states.

Also Azona can cause:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dryness and bitterness in a mouth;
  • Vision disorder and irritation of eyes;
  • Nose congestion;
  • Priapism;
  • Allergic reactions.

Special instructions

Azona's use changes effect of warfarin, strengthens effects of barbiturates and alcohol. The medicine has hypotensive effect therefore in case of reception by the patient of anti-hypertensive means correction of a dosage of the last is necessary. Azona is capable to increase concentration of digoxin in a blood plasma.

Azona's reception demands control from clinical blood test as decrease in total number of leukocytes is possible.

Drug is not contraindicated at a prostatauxe, glaucoma. Treatment of elderly patients needs to be carried out with control of arterial pressure.

The men undergoing therapy should be warned that in case of inadequate erections it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.

In the course treatment by Azon's drug it is necessary to be careful when driving the car and other occupations which demand the increased concentration of attention.


On the action mechanism Azona's analogs are medicines Befol, Azaphenum, Koaksil, Mirzaten, Alventa, Mirtazonal, Inkazan, Deprim, Valdoksan, Venlaksor, Velafaks, Vensuert, Remeron, Neyroplant, Velaksin, Kaliksta, Esprital, Pyrazidolum, Negrustin, Normazidol, Vellbutrin.

Terms and storage conditions

Ozone it is released from drugstores according to the recipe. The period of storage of capsules makes 5 years.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.