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Pregnancy 2 weeks

Most often, so far as concerns duration of gestation 2 weeks, the woman means by it a delay for 2 weeks of the next periods. In obstetric practice duration of gestation begins to be considered of the first day of the last periods. Therefore when the woman learns that she will have a child, the 2nd week of pregnancy appears already behind.2 неделя беременности характеризуется завершением созревания яйцеклетки

What occurs on the 2nd week of pregnancy

On this term the organism of the woman continues to prepare for future fertilization which actually did not happen yet. Its outward and work of internals are left without changes. Menstrual allocations on the 2nd week of pregnancy most often come to an end.

The ovum approaches maturing and an exit from an ovary in an abdominal cavity, that is, there is no fruit on the 2nd week of pregnancy in a uterus yet. An ovum exit from a follicle of an ovary is called an ovulation. From the moment of approach of an ovulation the woman can become pregnant. Approximately during this period at it against the background of hormonal changes sexual desire amplifies, and, therefore, the probability of pregnancy increases.

It is possible to determine an ovulation by a number of direct or indirect signs:

  • On feelings of the woman (some feel the direct moment of an exit of an ovum);
  • On change of nature of allocations on the 2nd week of pregnancy (slime becomes dense and transparent, similar to ovalbumin);
  • According to indications of the special test for an ovulation (the most exact method based on hormonal shifts).

The expressed bleeding and pains on the 2nd week of pregnancy – a symptom of a disease (endometriosis, pathology of ovaries, etc.). Such combination of symptoms can be the evidence of cancelled pregnancy as according to more than a half of all pathological pregnancies are interrupted on such early term. In the presence of at the same time bleeding and pains on the 2nd week of pregnancy it is necessary to undergo full inspection as they can become a cause of infringement of a normal course of pregnancy.

From an ovary nagging pains in a stomach on the 2nd week of pregnancy can accompany an ovum exit. Most often such pain short-term also passes independently. If there are doubts in its origin, then it is better to address for consultation the gynecologist.

What will show inspection on the 2nd week of pregnancy

If at this time the woman is going to become a mother, then most often does not know possible 2 weeks of pregnancy about approach. Inspection which is appointed by the obstetrician-gynecologist, as a rule, is intended for preparation for it.

The test for pregnancy will be negative as the oospore was not fixed in a uterus wall yet, and there is no significant concentration of a chorionic gonadotrophin in blood diagnostically.УЗИ на 2 неделе беременности покажет увеличенный фолликул

Blood test on the content of sex hormones can show the increased content of progesterone which is called still pregnancy hormone. He prepares a uterus for an attachment of an oospore and is responsible for pregnancy preservation.

When performing ultrasonography on the 2nd week of pregnancy it is possible to find the increased follicle in that ovary in which the ovum ripens. Ovaries are the pair female gonads located in an abdominal cavity. The fruit on the 2nd week of pregnancy in a cavity of the uterus is not visualized.

Performing ultrasonography on the 2nd week of pregnancy is usually recommended to those women who in the past had problems with conception. For example, at a polycystosis of ovaries it is possible to estimate extent of maturing of a follicle and readiness for an ovulation.

Control of basal body temperature on the 2nd week of pregnancy usually shows its higher level, about 37 - 37,2 degrees.

The stomach circle on the 2nd week of pregnancy is not increased. All changes characteristic of an organism of the pregnant woman, still ahead.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.