Application instruction:
Bifidumbacterium is the probiotic normalizing intestinal microflora.
At the expense of a large number of active bifidobacteria drug is capable to activate functions of digestive tract, digestion process, nonspecific body resistance to various factors, exchange processes, synthesis of vitamins, and also to accumulate a significant amount of toxic substances.
Bifidumbacterium is active concerning many pathogens, including enteropathogenic colibacillus, proteas, staphylococcus, some species of drozhzhepodobny mushrooms.
Bifidumbacterium is produced in a dry form in ampoules and bottles, in powder (bags), in capsules and candles.
Drug in ampoules and bottles represents live bacteria which were dried lyophilicly up, that is passed from the frozen state into dry. Such forms of Bifidumbacterium contain 10*7 live bacteria and milk сахаро - gelatin medium in which were grown up.
In Bifidumbacterium powder live microbic weight (10*8) is cleared of the cultivation environment. Bifidumbacterium forte represents colony-forming bacteria (10*7), the immobilization (immovability) of which is provided by stone absorbent carbon. Thanks to the immobilized condition of bacteria Bifidumbacterium forte carries out local colonization of mucous membranes therefore process of recovery of normal microflora in intestines happens quicker. Bifidumbacterium forte in the form of packages of powder and capsules in which each unit on 5 doses of bacteria is produced.
According to the instruction to Bifidumbacterium it is reasonable to appoint drug at the following diseases:
Reviews of Bifidumbacterium testify to efficiency of this drug at prevention of mastitis at the women nursing.
Well proved Bifidumbacterium for the newborns who are on artificial feeding or feeding by donor milk for the purpose of normalization of balance of microorganisms in intestines.
11 products promoting clarification of a liver
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Bifidumbaktin, the instruction confirms, can be applied orally, rektalno or intravaginalno.
Bifidobakterin for newborns is appointed during feeding, divorced in children's mix or breast milk. Patients of other age categories should mix drug with boiled water of room temperature (30-50 ml) or with fermented milk product though also addition in liquid food is admissible.
After mixing Bifidumbacterium needs to be drunk at once, without waiting for full dissolution. It is recommended to accept drug during food, however, if there is a need, reception of Bifidumbacterium is possible at any time.
With the medical purpose Bifidumbacterium is appointed according to the following scheme:
The recommended course of treatment makes 3-4 weeks, at acute intestinal infections – 5-7 days.
As Bifidumbacterium responses testify, two - three courses of use of drug with breaks in one month yield more effective and long result.
Preventive use of drug is carried out 2-3 weeks in the following mode:
Processing of area of a nipple and areola at the feeding women to be made by means of the solution received by way of cultivation of 1 package of Bifidobakterin to 10-15 ml of boiled water for half an hour before feeding by a breast.
Candles enter Bifidumbacterium at intestinal diseases rektalno: 3 times a day on 1-2 suppositories in a complex with oral administration of drug. The course of treatment candles Bifidumbacterium at chronic forms of intestinal frustration makes 15-30 days, and at acute forms – 7-10 days. In gynecologic practice of a candle Bifidumbacterium 2 times a day on 1 (1 dose) suppositories are used intravaginalno. The course of treatment usually makes 5-10 days.
According to the instruction Bifidumbacterium in the recommended doses does not cause negative reaction of an organism.
Bifidumbacterium responses testify to good tolerance of drug.
At a lactose intolerance at children and hypersensitivity to Bifidumbacterium components drug is not appointed.
Storage of Bifidumbacterium should be carried out in the dry and cool (no more than 100C) place. Finding of drug is allowed at the room temperature, but no more than 10 days. Use of Bifidumbacterium is possible during 1 year from the moment of its release, after this term drug is considered unusable.
Name of drug
Bifidumbacterium soup vaginal/rectal No. 10, Vitafarm (Moscow)
78 rub.
Bifidumbacterium siccum фл 5 doses No. 10, Mikrogen of NPO Federal State Unitary Enterprise (Imbio N. Novgorod)
87 rub.
Bifidumbacterium one million powders 500, WHICH 5 doses No. 10 **, Partner (г.Москва)
90 rub.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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