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Biosulin P

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 517 rub.

Раствор для инъекций БиосулинBiosulin P – insulin of short action.

Form of release and structure

Medicine is produced in the form of solution for injections: transparent or almost transparent, colourless or almost colourless (on 5 or 10 ml in colourless glass bottles, on 1 bottle in a pack cardboard; on 5 or 10 ml in colourless glass bottles, on 2, 3, 5 bottles in strip planimetric packagings, on 1 packaging in a cardboard pack; on 3 ml in colourless glass cartridges for use about the syringe handle Pen's Biosulin or Biomatik Pen, on 1, 3 or 5 pieces in packaging planimetric cell, on 1 packaging in a cardboard pack).

The main active ingredient – insulin human genetically engineered (soluble), in 1 ml of drug – 100 ME.

Auxiliary components: metacresol, глицерол and water for injections.

Indications to use

Biosulin P is applied at the following diseases:

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (1 type);
  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (the 2nd type), including at a resistance stage to peroral hypoglycemic means or at partial resistance to these drugs, at intercurrent diseases (as a combination therapy);
  • The diabetes mellitus which is followed by a decompensation of carbohydrate metabolism, demanding urgent intervention.


Use of Biosulin P is contraindicated at a hypoglycemia and individual intolerance of insulin or other components of drug.

Route of administration and dosage

Biosulin P is entered intravenously, intramusculary or subcutaneously for half an hour to the food containing carbohydrates.

The dosage of drug is appointed individually by the doctor on the basis of an indicator of content of glucose in blood. The average daily dose of drug makes 0,5-1 ME on 1 kg of weight.

Temperature of the entered insulin has to be room. At monotherapy the drug is administered by 3 times a day (if necessary to 6 times a day). If the daily dose exceeds 0,6 ME on 1 kg of weight, do two injections to different areas of a body.

Biosulin P is entered most often subcutaneously into a front abdominal wall, and also into a hip, humeral muscles and buttocks. It is periodically necessary to change places of injections to avoid emergence of a lipodystrophy.

Intramusculary or intravenously the drug is administered only under control of the doctor.

Side effects

Use of Biosulin P can cause the following by-effects:

  • Allergic reactions: skin rash, Quincke's edema, acute anaphylaxis;
  • Local reactions: an itch and puffiness in the place of a prick, a hyperemia; at repeated introduction to the same place in the place of a prick emergence of a lipodystrophy is possible;
  • Hypoglycemic states: pallor of skin, the strengthened sweating, feeling of hunger, a tremor of extremities, tachycardia, a headache, paresthesia in a mouth, the excited state (strongly expressed hypoglycemia can lead to emergence of a hypoglycemic coma);
  • Hypostases, disturbance of a refraction.

Special instructions

Peroral hypoglycemic drugs, APF, MAO inhibitors, karboangidraza, Bromocriptinum, streptocides, non-selective beta adrenoblockers, tetracyclines, anabolic steroids, кетоконазол, Clofibratum, Mebendazolum, cyclophosphamide, lithium drugs, etanolsoderzhashchy drugs, фенфлурамин and a pyridoxine strengthen effect of Biosulin P.

Peroral contraceptive drugs, thyroid hormones, GKS, thiazide diuretics, morphine, diazoxide, nicotine, Phenytoinum, clonidine, даназол, tricyclic antidepressants, heparin, sympathomimetics and blockers of calcium channels weaken hypoglycemic effect of insulin.

Reserpinum and salicylates are capable both to strengthen, and to weaken effect of insulin.


Drugs belong to structural analogs of Biosulin P: Aktrapid NM, Humulin Regulyar, Rinsulin P, Vozulim-R, Gensulin R.

Conditions and periods of storage

To store at a temperature of 2-8 °C within 2 years. Not to freeze.

To store the used bottle at a temperature of 15-25 °C no more than 6 weeks, the used cartridge – no more than 4 weeks.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Biosulin P bottle, solution for injections 100ed/ml 10 Ml

517 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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