Main > Diseases> Blepharitis



Blepharitis call an inflammation of edge of a century. This often found disease inclined to a chronic current occurs at persons of any age, so, blepharites at children are the most frequent disease of eyes.

At a blepharitis of eyes in general can be left without changes that often leads to wrong opinion that a disease this trifling, and does not demand treatment. Actually it not so, and at a long current of a blepharitis of an eye are exposed to continuous infectious influence that can cause considerable problems, including also deterioration in sight.

Reasons of development of a blepharitis

Usually the disease is caused infectious (bacteria, fungi, mites) or the allergic agent. The blepharitis can be caused by various cause, but whatever was the proximate cause of an inflammation of a century, in development of a blepharitis paramount value has the lowered immunity, as a result of recently postponed or available general diseases. Often the blepharitis develops at the people having diabetes, helminthoses (helminthic invasions), tuberculosis, oncological diseases, etc. Quite often the blepharitis accompanies not corrected far-sightedness. In the last decade of one of the frequent reasons of development of a blepharitis there was a syndrome of a dry eye when because of rare blinking the cornea is insufficiently greased with the lacrimal liquid. Such state is peculiar to the people spending much time behind the computer monitor. The blepharitis reason children often have a hygiene disturbance (entering of an infection dirty hands).

Types of a blepharitis

In the location the blepharitis happens:

  • Perednekrayeva. At this type of a blepharitis only the first, ciliary line of a century is surprised.
  • Zadnekrayeva. The rear edge of a century containing gland meybomiyeva is surprised.
  • Angular, or angular. The inflammatory phenomena are concentrated in corners of eyes.

Depending on the causing reason distinguish:

  • Seborrheal (scaly) blepharitis. It is often combined with displays of seborrhea on eyebrows, a pilar part of the head.
  • The ulcer blepharitis, is caused by a staphylococcal infection in hair follicles of eyelashes therefore their purulent inflammation appears, then passing into an ulceration.
  • Demodekozny blepharitis. Is caused by the tick of Demodex folliculorum or Demodex brevis getting to ciliary follicles and meybomiyeva of gland.
  • Allergic blepharitis. It is shown usually in combination with allergic damage of a mucous membrane of other body parts. Microparts of skin of domestic animals, pollen of bloomers, medicines, dust, household chemicals, etc. can act as allergen.
  • Rozatsea, or acne blepharitis. Usually accompanies pink eels.

Blepharitis symptoms

Симптомы блефаритаRefer reddening and puffiness of edge of a century, an itch or unpleasant burning in the field of defeat to the general symptoms of a blepharitis, and also emergence of various inflammatory educations. For an ulcer blepharitis formation of sores at the edges a century, for seborrheal – gray grease scales, for demodekozny – emergence of sticky allocations from follicles of eyelashes is peculiar, at an allergic blepharitis plentiful mucous allocations appear, emergence of the small grayish-red small knots afterwards passing into pustules is characteristic of a blepharitis of a rozatse. At an eye blepharitis quickly get tired, there is a raised photosensitivity sometimes passing into a photophobia. As displays of a disease are often connected with ciliary follicles, one of characteristic symptoms of a blepharitis are changes of eyelashes which can become colourless, drop out, accept the wrong direction of a rast.

The blepharitis at children is characterized by the fact that the child constantly rubs eyes, shows the raised photoharmose, in the morning of an eye stick together from the dried-up allocations. Most often the blepharitis at children happens in an ulcer and allergic form.

Diagnosis of a blepharitis

Diagnosis usually does not cause difficulties in view of characteristic symptoms of a blepharitis. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a research of a century by means of a slit lamp. Specification is necessary for definition of the infectious agent for what scraping from a conjunctiva and roots of eyelashes with the subsequent laboratory research of the received material is carried out. If the allergic nature of a blepharitis is established, carry out allergoproba for allergen identification.

Treatment of a blepharitis

The blepharitis belongs to the diseases which hardly are giving in to therapy and is inclined to a chronic recurrent current. Therefore treatment of a blepharitis has to be persistent and consecutive, and also include, in addition to local procedures, the fortifying methods directed to immunity strengthening. For this purpose from medicamentous means use vitamin therapy and reception of the immunostimulating drugs of soft action, for example, Immunala – drug of a plant origin which part juice of a purple cone-flower purple is.

If far-sightedness is found, it is necessary to take surely measures for its elimination by means of the adjusting lenses or points. The syndrome of a dry eye needs also to be eliminated for what it is necessary to do breaks in occupations with the computer each half an hour, at most an hour. In case of already developed syndrome of a dry eye use an instillation of adrenalinsoderzhashchy drops, for example, Vizina.

Locally for treatment of a blepharitis antiinflammatory drugs in the form of lotions, ointments and drops are used. If the specific infectious agent in the form of staphylococcus or a demodeks is revealed, use antibiotics or antitick-borne means. Careful respect for hygiene of eyes and refusal of use of cosmetics for all the time of treatment of a blepharitis is necessary.

Treatment of a blepharitis folk remedies

As treatment of a blepharitis can sometimes last within many months, reception of medicamentous drugs can be so long undesirable, or their periodic change, for prevention of emergence of allergic reactions is required. In this case a good alternative is use for treatment of a blepharitis of folk remedies.

Мазь для лечения блефарита

Most often from folk remedies at a blepharitis use washing of eyes and a lotion by means of broths and infusions of officinal herbs. Apply flowers of a camomile, a calendula, centaurea, leaves of a sage, an eucalyptus to this purpose. One of often used folk remedies for a blepharitis is onions broth with addition of a small amount of boric acid which wash out eyes several times a day. Also good effect renders washing of an eye infusion of the black and green tea taken in equal proportions.

At treatment of a blepharitis folk remedies it is necessary to consider two moments. The first is that vegetable drugs as well as medicamentous means, can cause undesirable reaction (for example, an allergy or irritation), and before their use it is desirable to consult to the ophthalmologist. And the second - use at a blepharitis of folk remedies for achievement of medical effect has to be frequent (several times a day) and long.

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