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Shlyatter's disease

In essence Shlyatter's disease represents a necrosis of a cartilaginous and bone tissue of the upper site – a tuberosity osteochondropathy - a tibial bone.

Shlyatter's disease: symptoms, reasons, diagnosis

По своей сути болезнь Шляттера представляет собой некроз хрящевой и костной ткани верхнего участка большеберцовой костиIn most cases Shlyatter's disease develops rather slowly and affects only some one shin. Patients complain of such symptoms of a disease of Shlyatter as a swelling and the morbidity in the place of accession of a sinew by the four-head of a muscle of a hip to a patella in an upper part of a shin amplifying during the walking, squats and pressing. The course of a disease has chronic character with the aggravation periods.

Most often Shlyatter's disease is diagnosed for teenagers from nine to eighteen years, especially male. The reason of its emergence consider the damage caused by excessive influence of a knee sinew to the place of the fastening to a tibial hillock and, there can be both single direct influence, and regular microtraumas.

The risk group is made by the boys doing injury-causing sports – soccer, hockey, etc. The similar situation quite often develops as a result of shortening of a sinew of a patella, however according to the world statistics, only five percent of all patients with Shlyatter's disease do not play sports.

Intensive growth rates of the teenager, regular muscular exercises are transmitted through a sinew on tuberosity of a tibial bone, provoke its separation, and also an inflammation and dystrophy of a sinew.

At X-ray inspection of this area note destruction (fragmentation) of this site of a tibial bone. For the purpose of diagnosis of a disease of Shlyatter also apply ultrasonography, radio isotope scanning, local densitometry and laboratory researches, and in some situations – a computer or magnetic resonance tomography.

Treatment of a disease of Shlyatter

Treatment of a disease of Shlyatter first of all consists in stopping of a pain syndrome by means of modern anesthetics of drugs. Patients need to provide rest of an extremity, to avoid the excessive exercise stresses demanding bending of a knee. As a rule, symptoms of a disease of Shlyatter pass several weeks later.

Согласно всемирной статистике, только 5% всех больных болезнью Шляттера не занимаются спортомIn treatment of a disease of Shlyatter efficiency of an electrophoresis with calcium and Procainum, lidocaine, cocarboxylase, Aminophyllinum, and also ozokeritovy, paraffin and mud baths, medical massage, physical culture and sanatorium treatment is noted.

In certain cases for treatment of a disease of Shlyatter can be required imposing of a plaster bandage or administration of steroid drugs directly to the area of an inflammation. Surgical treatment of a disease consists free fragments of a bone at a distance; can also be required to make in it an opening for the purpose of acceleration of healing or even change. The rehabilitation period after surgical intervention can make from several months to one year.

Effects of a disease of Shlyatter

Contrary to a popular belief Shlyatter's disease does not pass. Its treatment represents long process (up to several years), however at the timely address and persistence an outcome for patients favorable. Most of patients recover from Shlyatter's disease after completion of process of growth. In certain cases after recovery cones in patellar area can remain. Also meteosensitivity manifestations can become one of effects of a disease of Shlyatter.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.