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from 212 rub.

Bryony – homeopathic remedy.Бриония - растение семейства тыквенных

Pharmacological action of the Bryony

Effect of drug is based on curative properties of a perennial plant a bryony (a bryony white) from family of pumpkin.

It is noticed that powder from a root the refoot well influences synovial and serous membranes, lungs, a pleura, a peritoneum, a liver, muscular tissue.

Release form

Release the Bryony in the form of homeopathic granules, ointments, oils.

Indications to use of the Bryony

The bryony is effective at dry pleurisy, exudative pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma which is followed by a stitch and vomiting at muscular rheumatism, peritonitis, neuritis and neuralgia.

There are reviews of the Bryony from the feeding women – drug helps at mastitis, problems with a lactation, removes a breast inflammation.

Accept granules at migraine, a headache, dry, frequent cough, including cough with blood in a phlegm.

Successfully eliminate by means of the Bryony fever, especially if it is followed by strong sweating, we heat then.

Route of administration

Homeopathic granules accept inside – rassasyvat them on 5 pieces 3-6 р / day.

To children up to 2 years of a granule appoint to accept 1-2 pieces, to children 2-10l. – 2-4 pieces, to children after 10 l. – 4-5 pieces.

Ointment the Bryony pound a back and a breast at pulmonary diseases 1-2 р / day. After grinding it is recommended to apply mustard plasters or to do a warm pack.

At diseases of joints (primary and secondary osteoarthrosis) sore points smear with ointment 2-3 р / day. Treatment is continued by 6 weeks.

The bryony can be applied to treatment of cold – tampons from cotton wool with ointment put on 5-10min. in each of the nasal courses 3-4 р / day.Бриония мазь

From cold it is possible to use also oil. Adults dig in oil in each nasal course on 3-5kap. To children dig in oil on 1-3kap.

Drug is often used in complex therapy of the specified diseases.

Data on negative interaction of the Bryony with other drugs are not recorded.

Side effects

In most cases granules, ointment and oil do not cause side effects and are well transferred, but reviews of the Bryony causing an allergy nevertheless meet.

In an initiation of treatment the temporary exacerbation of a disease can be observed.

Roots of a plant contain amorphous poisonous glycosides, брионидин and bryonin therefore in high doses drug causes diarrhea with blood, pains in a peritoneum, vomiting, paralysis of a nervous system and a spasm.


The bryony according to the instruction is contraindicated at individual intolerance.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Bryony ointment of homeopathic 25 g

212 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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