Application instruction:
Tsefabol – the antibacterial medicine (cephalosporin of the third generation) applied at treatment of a wide range of infectious diseases.
Active component of Tsefabol – tsefotaksy, being a tsefalosporinovy antibiotic of the third generation, possesses a wide range of antimicrobic action.
Tsefabol shows activity concerning gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms which are usually steady against other antibiotics.
Tsefabol release in the form of powder for preparation of solution for injections. Rolled into one (10 ml) active component – tsefotaksy in number of 500 mg or 1 g contains.
Drugs belong to Tsefabol's analogs on active agent: Intrataksim, Klafobrin, Oritaks, Rezibelakta, Taltsef and Tsefotaksim.
The main analogs of Tsefabol on a way of action are the following medicines: Azawounds, Betasporina, Steritsef, Dardum, Vitsef, Ifitsef, Axon, Lorakson, Lorazidim Movigip, Pantsef, Rotsefin, Orzid, Supraks, Torotsef, Sulmover, Tizim and others.
According to the instruction Tsefabol appoint for treatment of bacterial infections of a heavy current which are caused by microorganisms, sensitive to effect of the medicine. Treatment by drug effectively at infections:
• ENT organs and airways, including pneumonia;
• The central nervous system, including meningitis;
• Urinary tract, including acute pyelonephritis and during the periods of an aggravation of chronic disease;
• Joints and bones;
• Skin and soft tissues, including the wound complications caused by operations;
• An abdominal cavity (uncomplicated and complicated), including such diseases as peritonitis, a cholangitis and cholecystitis, and also postoperative abscesses of an abdominal cavity;
• Bodies of a small pelvis, including an endometritis, a pelviperitonitis and an acute current of an adnexitis, and also at an aggravation of chronic disease;
• Urinogenital system, including gonorrhea and clamidiosis;
• Against the background of an immunodeficiency.
Also Tsefabol appoint for treatment of such diseases as:
• Lime disease (borreliosis);
• Endocarditis;
• Sepsis;
• Salmonellosis.
Besides, Tsefabol is effective for prevention of infections after many surgeries:
• Carried out on digestive tract;
• Obstetric and gynecologic;
• Urological.
Tsefabol according to the instruction it is contraindicated to apply at hypersensitivity to active or to auxiliary components which are a part of medicine, and also at intolerance of penicillin, other cephalosporins and karbapenem.
Tsefabol, as a rule, appoint with care in the following cases:
• In the period of a lactation;
• At a chronic renal failure;
• In the period of a neonatality;
• At nonspecific ulcer colitis.
The possibility of use Tsefabola at pregnancy has to be solved individually the doctor taking into account possible advantage and risk for mother and the child.
Tsefabol according to the instruction apply intramusculary and intravenously (struyno or kapelno). The dosage of medicine depends on age and a disease.
At uncomplicated infections and at infections of urinary tract to adults and children at whom body weight is higher than 50 kg appoint 1 g of Tsefabol each 8-12 hours.
At moderately severe infections the dosage makes 1-2 g twice a day with an equal interval (each 12 hours).
At meningitis or other heavy infections the dose is increased to 2 g by each 4-8 hours, but it is no more than 12 g in day.
At uncomplicated acute gonorrhea Tsefabol apply once 1 g.
The newborn (up to 1 week), and also to premature children the dosage is calculated proceeding from weight – on 50 mg/kg applied each 12 hours. To children from one to four weeks the same dose is entered by each 8 hours.
The daily dose for children of more advanced age with body weight to 50 kg makes 50-180 mg/kg divided into 4-6 dosages.
Before carrying out operations for prevention of development of infections, as a rule, enter once 1 g of Tsefabol, and if necessary the same dose can be entered in 6-12 hours.
In cases of performing Cesarean section when imposing clips on an umbilical vein enter also 1 g of medicine, and then administer repeatedly the same amount of the drug in six and twelve hours.
In cases of overdose by Tsefabol such symptoms as spasms, a tremor, encephalopathy and the increased neuromuscular excitability can be shown.
At Tsefabol's use it is necessary to consider that at co-administration with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiagregant the risk of development of bleedings increases.
The probability of damage of kidneys sharply increases at joint reception of Tsefabol with polymyxin B, aminoglycosides and "loopback" diuretics.
Tsefabol pharmaceutical is incompatible in one syringe or a dropper with solutions of other antibiotic drugs.
Tsefabol according to reviews can cause various allergic reactions most of which often are shown in a look:
• Fever or fever;
• Small tortoiseshells;
• Itch;
• Rashes;
• Eosinophilias;
• Bronchospasm;
• Acute anaphylaxis;
• A malignant exudative erythema (differently – Stephens-Johnson's syndrome);
• Quincke's disease;
• A toxic epidermal necrolysis (differently – a Lyell's disease).
Besides, Tsefabol's use according to reviews can lead to disturbances from various systems of an organism and cause:
• Meteorism, stomatitis, vomiting, abnormal liver function, glossitis, nausea, pseudomembranous coloenteritis, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea or lock, abdominal pain (alimentary system);
• An anury, an azotemia, intersticial nephrite, an oliguria, increase in content of urea in blood (urinary system);
• Hemolitic anemia, neutropenia, leukopenia, hypocoagulation, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia (bodies of a hemopoiesis);
• Potentially life-threatening arrhythmias arising after bolyusny bystry introduction to the central vein (cardiovascular system);
• Dizziness and headache (nervous system).
Also Tsefabol's use according to reviews sometimes causes local reactions after introduction of medicine, and in certain cases can lead to development of superinfection, for example, to a mycotic vulvovaginitis.
When performing treatment by Tsefabol, especially for the first 10-12 days, sometimes there is pseudomembranous colitis which is usually shown as heavy long diarrhea. In this case Tsefabol's use should be stopped and carried out adequate therapy which includes metronidazole or Vancomycinum.
Tsefabol treats a number of tsefalosporinovy antibiotics which issue from drugstores is possible according to the recipe of the doctor. A medicine period of storage at observance of the recommended conditions – two years.
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