Main > Drugs> The bird cherry is ordinary

The bird cherry is ordinary

The bird cherry ordinary is a bush up to 15 meters high.

Черемуха обыкновеннаяThe trunk of a bird cherry differs in the cracking bark of black-gray color. Plant branches quite thin therefore they always droop to a bottom. In the winter of a kidney of a bird cherry are covered with peculiar cilia. They are round, spherical. Bird cherry leaves bright green, oblong, extended. Flowers of a bird cherry are known to much of us on bright, unique aroma. The brush with white flowers is and there is a bird cherry inflorescence.

The bird cherry during the period from April to June blossoms. The bird cherry loves the sun therefore it badly develops in shadows. The bird cherry on coast of the rivers, on forest edges, in dumetums grows in the nature.

The most widespread national names of an ordinary bird cherry is the following:

  • Cheremshina;
  • Glotikh;
  • Kolokolusha.

Structure and useful properties of a bird cherry ordinary

The bird cherry gained recognition of many, thanks to the medicinal properties long ago. Practically all parts of this bush are used in traditional medicine as the list of useful properties of a bird cherry is extremely wide. Thus, the bird cherry ordinary by right is considered the storeroom of useful properties for health of the person.

Ordinary the components which are its part are of the main value of a bird cherry:

  • Vitamins;
  • Tannins;
  • Organic acids;
  • Glycosides;
  • Acids;
  • Anthocyans;
  • Saccharites;
  • Rutinum;
  • Oils;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Phytoncides.

Besides, quite rare substances as a part of a bird cherry are free cyanhydric acid and the benzoic aldehyde.
Thanks to such rich structure, a bird cherry ordinary the numerous properties applied to treatment and prevention of many diseases are inherent:

  • Sudorific;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antiinflammatory;
  • Antiscorbutic;
  • Contraceptive;
  • Soothing;
  • Tonic;
  • Styptic.

Use of a bird cherry ordinary

In the medical purposes apply all parts of a plant. But consider the most valuable and most of all use fruits of a bird cherry ordinary.

In traditional medicine fruits of a bird cherry ordinary apply as the means bearing the following effect:

  • Fortifying;
  • Knitting;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Antiinflammatory;
  • Fixing;
  • Normalizing.

The fixing and normalizing properties of a bird cherry ordinary are especially urgent at pathologies of a stomach and intestines.

Bark of a bird cherry ordinary has considerable advantage too. So, this part of a plant is often applied to production of the drugs carried to the following pharmacological groups:

  • Diuretic;
  • Sudorific;
  • Febrifugal.

Drugs on the basis of a bird cherry ordinary perfectly help at cold, flu, quinsy. Besides, infusion of fruits of a bird cherry will help to strengthen immunity and to resist to infections during the autumn and winter period.

Leaves of a bird cherry ordinary have the powerful fixing property. Apply broth from bird cherry leaves at diarrhea, intoxication, frustration and disturbances of digestion.

Flowers of a bird cherry are extremely useful at the various inflammations which are, especially, connected with cuts, wounds or burns. The bird cherry ordinary is quite capable to help the person at avitaminosis, breakdown and decrease in protective forces of an organism.

The list of diseases at which useful properties of a bird cherry ordinary effectively help is extremely wide:

  • Digestive tract diseases;
  • Decrease in sexual function;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Fever;
  • Anemia;
  • Gout;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Venereal diseases.

The regular use of a bird cherry ordinary can raise a potentiality at men, normalize activity of intestines, quickly cure any catarrhal disease. Excellent antiinflammatory property of a bird cherry ordinary is caused by presence at its composition of phytoncides. These substances conduct active fight against harmful microorganisms:

  • Microbes;
  • Bacteria;
  • Fungi;
  • Mold
  • Insects.

Use of a bird cherry ordinary inside and outside (on skin) leads to the fact that insects (flies, mosquitoes) cease to bite the person. The same way of prevention can be used against mites.

Broth from branches and leaves of a bird cherry ordinary helps to get rid of rheumatic pains. For this purpose it is regularly necessary to drink it and to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. This means is suitable both for joint, and for muscular rheumatism.

Skin problems, such as furunculosis, dermatitis, body ulcers, are treated by means of infusion from stalks and leaves of a bird cherry ordinary. This infusion it is regularly necessary to wash out affected areas of skin.

The bird cherry ordinary has valuable property to affect well a condition of sight of the person. So, at strong load of eyes, for example, during the long work at the computer, it is necessary to foment from bird cherry broth. For prevention of diseases of eyes and removal of tension it is possible to do such procedure once a week. But at treatment of already available disease or at deterioration in sight, of course, treatment has to take place much more often. Prevention of problems about sight by means of such lotions and acceptance in infusion of fruits of a bird cherry ordinary, its leaves and flowers will allow to keep excellent sight for the rest of life.

The beneficial influence of a bird cherry ordinary on skin of the person is also shown in its property of clarification from eels. So, regularly using broth of branches and bark of a bird cherry as lotion, it is possible to get rid of pink eels, a dermatosis. Besides, masks from fruits of a bird cherry and broth reception inside provide the rejuvenating effect. Thus, it is possible to avoid emergence of wrinkles and aging of skin.Плоды черемухи обыкновенной

The bird cherry ordinary is applied not only in pharmaceutics, but also in cosmetology, the food industry, perfumery.

Traditional medicine has a set of recipes using a bird cherry ordinary. Doctors focus attention of the patients on observance of a dosage of such medicine.

Contraindications and harm from a bird cherry ordinary

When performing treatment by drugs on the basis of a bird cherry ordinary, its broths and infusions, it is necessary to get approval of the attending physician. It is necessary to be especially attentive with doses of drug intake, acinaceous, bark and leaves of a plant. The matter is that these parts of a bird cherry ordinary contain a glycoside dl-mandelonitrile gentiobioside. This substance has property to break up as a result of the chemical change occurring in a human body to cyanhydric acid and glucose. Glucose is necessary for the person and bears advantage, and here cyanhydric acid is considered poisonous. Therefore, its excessive education in an organism can lead to poisoning (intoxication).

The combination of active ingredients as a part of a bird cherry ordinary with other drugs which are used by the person can constitute some danger. Therefore, before its use for treatment, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. An absolute contraindication for administration of drugs from a bird cherry ordinary is pregnancy and the period of a lactation (feeding of the child a breast).

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