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Useful properties of garlic

Garlic belongs to perennial herbaceous plants (a sort – Onions, a subfamily – Onions) and is one of the most popular vegetable cultures cultivated in many countries as seasoning and medicine with antimicrobic action.


Stalk at garlic round with the broad-gage bright green leaves reaching in height of 50-70 cm. The stalk comes to an end with an umbrella of spherical shape from pinkish-white flowers and air bulbs. An underground part of garlic – the bulb consisting of several segments (cloves) covered with whitish scales.

Garlic as medicine was applied long since in many countries, it was grown up by Egyptians, Jews, Romans, Hindus, Greeks, Assyrians and Arabs. In Ancient Egypt garlic was among products of daily consumption, and also it was included surely in a diet of workers who did hard manual work. In the Middle Ages garlic tincture was used at pulmonary diseases and during plague.

Biologically active agents which are contained in garlic render antiinflammatory, antifungal, antivermicular, antiviral and antimalarial action.

The advantage of garlic is caused being its part:

  • Vitamins among which the leading place is taken by ascorbic acid (to 30 mg in 100 g). Besides, garlic contains beta carotene and vitamins of group B (most of all – B6 vitamin);
  • Macrocells, namely potassium, calcium and phosphorus (400, 200 and 150 mg in 100 g of garlic respectively), and also sodium and magnesium;
  • Microelements among which there is a zinc, cobalt, iron, iodine, manganese, copper and selenium.

Caloric content of garlic makes 46 kcal.

The smell and taste of garlic is caused by essential oil with the maintenance of an allitsin and phytoncides. аллицин has the expressed antimicrobic effect and is the most powerful antioxidant protecting cells from influence of free radicals.

Thanks to the properties garlic can be carried to natural antibiotics which is effective against a salmonella, colibacillus and golden staphylococcus, and also against an influenza virus.

The advantage of garlic is proved for:

  • Normalization of flora of intestines, and also for suppression of processes of rotting and fermentation in intestines;
  • Decrease in the general level of cholesterol that reduces risk of development of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis;
  • Strengthenings of immunity and increase in body resistance to infectious and catarrhal diseases that happens because of strengthening of activity of macrophages, phagocytes and T-limfatsitov;
  • Increases motive and secretory funktsiizheludochno-intestinal path.

Also many researches proved advantage of garlic at prevention of atherosclerosis. Allitsin who is its part influences erythrocytes and promotes activation of a blood-groove in vessels and to undervoltage of walls of vessels that leads to reduction of loads of heart and arterial pressure.

Besides, the researches conducted in many countries confirm the anticarcinogenic properties of garlic (cancer thick and a rectum and a stomach) caused by antioxidant action of an allitsin.

Use of garlic

Garlic is generally used as seasoning or ingredient of many dishes. It is especially widely applied in the Mediterranean countries, and also in the countries of Southeast Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

Generally eat a garlic bulb. Cloves clear previously of a thin skin and use as fresh, and add to various dishes, pickle and preserve. Shooters of garlic use less often.

Garlic in traditional medicine long since was applied at helminthic invasions (to exile of pinworms and ascarids). For preparation of infusion of 10 g of the peeled garlic crush in the blender or a mortar and fill in 1/2 glasses of boiled water. In 15 minutes infusion should be filtered and used for microclysters.

Besides, in traditional medicine garlic is widely applied to preparation:

  • Ointments on an oil basis for treatment of injuries, diseases of a musculoskeletal system, sprains, arthritises and muscular pains;
  • The vinegar applied in the cosmetic purposes to elimination of warts and callosities;
  • Candles with butter for treatment of hemorrhoids and some gynecologic diseases.
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Garlic is a part of such medicines as Allocholum and Velmen, applied to treatment:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of a respiratory organs, including rhinitises, antritises, tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis and pneumonia;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Ascaridosis;
  • Chronic diseases of digestive tract, including atonic locks and dysbacteriosis;
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive type;
  • Enterobiosis.

Garlic contraindications

Despite a set of useful properties, there is also a number of contraindications to garlic. So, it should be eaten with care at diseases of kidneys, stomach ulcer or intestines, cholelithiasis and anemia.

Whether you know that:

Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.