Main > Drugs> Tsindol


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 106 rub.

Tsindol – outside Упаковка Циндолantiseptic and disinfectant.

Pharmacological action of Tsindol

Zinc oxide - the active active ingredient rendering medical effect is Tsindol's part. Its antiseptic action is connected with a protein denaturation. Tsindol is also capable to reduce exudation (transuding of a liquid part of plasma) in the field of damage of skin that provides the drying effect and formation of the protective film protecting a wound from pollution. Drug promotes an angenesis and removal of an inflammation, improves a metabolism in a defeat zone.

The excipients which are Tsindol's part – talc, glycerin, starch, ethanol – also possess the disinfecting and drying action.

According to Tsindol effectively apply in treatment of skin diseases, purulent surgery.

Release form

Drug is produced in the form of suspension for external use.

Indications to Tsindol's use

Drug is shown for treatment of superficial purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers at a diabetes mellitus, a varicose vein disease. Tsindol is effective in an acute phase of eczema, at chronic allergic dermatitis, a diaper dermatitis at children, acne rash, decubituses and an intertrigo.


According to the instruction Tsindol do not recommend to apply if on him hypersensitivity reactions were noted earlier.

Drug is safe for use at pregnant women and the feeding women, and also at children of early age.

Application instruction of Tsindol

Suspension is intended for external use. Before its use it is desirable to be convinced of lack of hypersensitivity to drug. For this purpose on the small open site of healthy skin, for example, of an elbow bend, put a little Tsindol. If within 15 minutes there was no reddening, burning or an itch, drug can be used for treatment.

According to the instruction Циндол в бутылкеTsindol by means of a cotton plug or a wadding stick apply on the problem place, covering all struck surface with a thin layer of drug. After drawing the surface has to dry. So 2-3 times a day process a problem zone.

The course of treatment is individual, depends on degree of prevalence of process and disease severity. More precisely it is appointed by the dermatologist. Tsindol's use within 7 days gives the expressed clinical effect.

If necessary drug is combined with antibiotics.

Side effects

According to Tsindol sometimes causes undesirable local reactions in the form of a xeroderma, an itch or reddening. They independently pass after drug withdrawal.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tsindol suspension of 12,5% 125 g

106 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tsindol сусп 125 ml, Moscow FF (г.Москва)

130 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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