Cystitis is an inflammation of a bladder. As a rule, the mucous membrane of walls of body is subject to the inflammatory processes caused by any infections. At least once in life the disease is diagnosed for every eighth woman.
Cystitis occurs at men much less often. This fact is explained by features of an anatomic structure of female uric ways, namely closer arrangement of an outside opening of an urethra to an anus.
However men have a cystitis of a chronic form – one of the most important symptoms of pathologies of a prostate or tumors of uric ways. On the contrary, cystitis most often occurs at women as the independent disease caused by staphylococcus, a fecal streptococcus, etc.
Sometimes the cystitis reason men and women have a chronic pyelonephritis or tuberculosis of kidneys.
With the increased probability to ache with cystitis treat risk group:
The probability to ache with cystitis increases use of a contraceptive diaphragm and occupation proctal sex. Any of above the listed factors can cause infection of a bladder and lead to complications: to pyelonephritis, a renal failure, sepsis, and also to prostatitis at cystitis at men.
Depending on expressiveness of symptoms of cystitis it is accepted to allocate two main forms of a disease.
Acute cystitis quite often provokes overcooling. Carry the painful speeded-up urination to early symptoms of cystitis of this form. The medical term for this phenomenon – a strangury or a pollakiuria.
Cystitis symptoms at the progressing disease stage - temperature increase to subfebrile indicators, morbidity of a stomach at a palpation, urine opacification. At damages of a neck of a bladder small bloody allocations the last portion of urine are possible.
Symptoms of cystitis of an acute form are shown up to 7-10 days. Then considerable improvement of health of the patient or transition of cystitis to a chronic form is observed.
At chronic cystitis symptoms are less expressed. The patient feels the minimum discomfort in the bottom of a stomach, the short-term speeded-up desires to an urination. Chronic cystitis always proceeds with the periods of a short-term aggravation of process and leads to permanent increase in level of leukocytes and erythrocytes in urine.
Acute cystitis is diagnosed on the basis of complaints of the patient on speeded up and an urodynia, and also analyses of urine across Nechiporenko. Ultrasonography in this case will be applied to an exception of organic pathologies of a bladder.
"chronic cystitis" it is more difficult to establish the diagnosis because of small expressiveness of symptoms. Cystitis of a chronic form is established after studying of structure of microflora of a bladder by means of crops. The diagnostic method an urofloumetriya is applied to an exception of obstruction (obstruction) of uric ways against the background of chronic cystitis.
In diagnosis of chronic cystitis at women vaginal swabbing for an exception or confirmation of an ingenious etiology of an infection always undertakes. At cystitis of a chronic form the tsitoskopiya allows to find out degree and localization of an inflammation of a bladder. Use of the last is contraindicated at acute cystitis as it can cause a sharp aggravation of symptoms of the patient.
In treatment of cystitis of an acute form antibacterial therapy is applied by generation drugs IV. It can be supplemented with medicines of antiinflammatory action, and also drugs for improvement of blood supply of a bladder and adrenoblockers for removal of cricks of uric ways. Treatment of cystitis is carried out orally, injektsionno, vaginalno or rektalno.
Treatment of cystitis of a chronic form demands other approach. In this situation the main efforts of doctors are directed to elimination not of the infection, but the reason which caused the next inflammation of a bladder. In treatment of cystitis of a chronic form are applied a surgical removing calculus or polyps in a bladder, a resection of a neck of body, hormonic, vitamin, and also physical therapy.
Perhaps also treatment of cystitis the folk remedies rendering the antimicrobic, anesthetizing and increasing immunity effect.
National treatment of cystitis by means of a diet is based on an exception of basic diet of the patient of hot dishes, coffee, alcoholic beverages. The recommended food stuffs:
At the same time it is extremely important that the patient with cystitis drank not less than 3 l of liquid a day.
In national treatment of cystitis also many curative herbs are applied. Leaves and stalks of a bearberry, fennel seeds, cowberry leaves, a root of parsley, a celandine, and also many plants-imunomodulyatory are a part of grass collecting for treatment of cystitis. The cystitis course of treatment folk remedies by means of grass collecting has to proceed not less than 20 days.
In treatment of the cystitis caused by liver pathologies oats broths with addition of a calendula are used. The handful of flowers gets enough sleep in the broth prepared on fire within 30 minutes. Medicine has to stand all night long, and in 8-10 hours it needs to be drunk in the small frequent portions to 1, 5 liters a day. In national treatment of cystitis also a flax seed infusions, strong lime tea, broths from roots of a dogrose and buds of a poplar are used.
However it is important to remember that frequent attacks of pain and desires to an urination - symptoms of cystitis of a chronic form and to prevent the next exacerbation of a disease, it is very important not to be engaged in independent national treatment of cystitis, and to find out an infection source.
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