Application instruction:
Drug Tsiston belongs to diuretic means of a plant origin.
The components which are Tsiston's part cause his diuretic, antiinflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobic actions.
The diuretic effect is reached thanks to existence in Didimokarpus's list caulescent and Saxifrages lingular (Didomocarpus pedicellata and Saxifraga ligulata respectively), the urinary tract and kidneys which are positively influencing improvement of blood supply.
The expressed antimicrobic action of Tsiston is caused by features of Rash filmy and the Onosma multi-leaved (Cyperus scariosus and Onosma bracteatum), being a part of drug.
Also Tsiston promotes removal of concrements of urinary tract that is reached thanks to availability of lime silicon and Madders of serdtselistny (Rubia cordifolia) in medicine.
Besides, in reviews of Tsistona it is noted that the mineral pitch of high extent of cleaning which is its part has tonic effect on system of bodies of urination, stabilizes processes of metabolism and improves digestion due to positive influence on functions of assimilation of food.
Drug Tsiston is presented in pharmacy chains in the form of the roundish light brown tablets packed into a plastic bottle. One packaging contains 100 tablets.
The list of the main indications to Tsiston is given below:
Drug should be accepted inside after food. Depending on a specific disease the instruction to Tsiston orders various dosage and duration of treatment.
During administration of drug emergence of side effects is minimized, however in medical reviews of Tsistona the small probability of emergence of allergic reactions is noted.
Hypersensitivity to any of components of its structure can become refusal of use of drug.
Because Tsiston treats medicines whose action gradually develops, its use (or cancellation) at acute pains of urinary tract are inexpedient.
Cistone can be appointed to pregnant women and the feeding women at the indications noted by the attending physician.
At the diagnosed impassability of urinary tract Tsiston's appointment is not recommended that is connected with the big size of concrements.
Cistone is recommended to be kept in the dry and protected place where temperature is in limits of 10-30 °C.
The period of validity of drug does not exceed 3 years.
Name of drug
Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.
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