Main > Diseases> Deformation of fingers of foot

Deformation of fingers of foot

Short description of a problem

Деформация пальцев стопы

Presently deformation of fingers of foot is one of the most widespread problems of orthopedics. It arises owing to pathological changes of muscles or as a result of various injuries and bruises.

It is known that the movement of fingers is controlled by several muscles which action, actually, and provides mobility of foot. Deformation of a finger leads to disturbance of functionality of muscles. They cannot carry out the usual tasks, and over time this dysfunction causes various complications. For example, at flat-footedness at patients lengthening of foot is noted, and when strengthening a tone of a short sgibatel – kogteobrazny deformation of a thumb. If the tone of a long sgibatel of fingers amplifies, then so-called molotkoobrazny deformation forms.

In modern orthopedics deformation of fingers of foot occupies about 15-20% of number of the confirmed diagnoses connected with disturbance of muscle work and joints. Most often the problem is shown at women that is connected with features of their organism and structure of a skeleton.

Reasons of emergence of deformations

The main reason for a disease – disturbance of balance of flexion and extensive muscles. It is caused by the most various reasons – arthritises, traumatic damages, flat-footedness. Besides, deformation of the first finger of foot quite often arises under the influence of associated diseases, for example, of a cerebral palsy, or various inflammatory processes (psoriasis, a pseudorheumatism). Also deformation of a finger can be caused by development of a diabetes mellitus.

Disease symptoms

The main signs of deformation are:

  • emergence of callosities in the place of contact of footwear and joints that is explained by the raised load of a joint and the subsequent rubbing;
  • emergence of sores in the field of a head of plusnevy bones;
  • pains when walking.

Deformation of the first finger of foot and other similar problems demand the immediate address to the doctor. Otherwise, pathology continues to develop and over time leads to very serious effects and complications not to mention that foot of the person takes unattractive outward and considerably reduces quality of life.

Any diagnosis of deformations is carried out on the basis of clinical data and detection of diseases which could lead to disturbances of functionality of muscles. For this purpose such techniques as a X-ray analysis (reveals arthritises) and blood test are most often used (helps to exclude a diabetes mellitus).

Deformation of fingers of foot – treatment of a disease

Корригирующее приспособление для лечения деформированных пальцев стопы

Purpose of a technique of treatment in many respects depends on that, deformation of a finger and from weight of the available symptoms how exactly proves. In case of flat-footedness wearing orthopedic footwear, and also remedial gymnastics which allows to recover normal work of all muscles and joints is shown to patients. If at the person fixing of soft tissues and permanent deformation of a thumb is observed, then doctors recommend to resort to surgical intervention. Use the adjusting effective linen for maintenance of beautiful female forms.

Now such types of operations as an arthroplasty and an artificial ankylosis are most often used. In the first case the processing of a surface of joint bones directed to straightening of fingers is carried out. At the started deformations by more effective there will be an artificial ankylosis – removal of a joint and fixing of a bone in the necessary situation.

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