Diet 14

Диету 14 прописывают при мочекаменной болезниThe diet 14 belongs to a complex of the medical diets developed for treatment of various diseases at which change of a food allowance is an effective method of recovery of health. The diet 14 is applied at treatment of an urolithiasis with allocations in an uric deposit of calcium-phosphorus salts (fosfaturiya). The main objective of a diet 14 is the obstacle to loss of calcium-phosphorus salts in an uric deposit and creation of the conditions promoting their removal from an organism, namely establishment of acid-base equilibrium towards acidity.

Menu of a diet 14

In a diet at an urolithiasis the prevailing products are that are rich in the content of salts of calcium, acid in taste and the limiting alkaline valencies. The diet 14 fills all physiological needs of an organism for fats, proteins and carbohydrates, contains energy value, necessary for normal functioning of an organism, and feedstuffs. In the absence of disturbances of blood circulation at observance of a diet at stones in kidneys the plentiful use and administration of liquid is recommended.

Way of cooking various, however you should not abuse dishes, fried on sunflower oil. Chemical composition and energy value of a daily diet at a diet 14 are as follows:

  • Proteins – 90-100 g;
  • Fats – 100 g as a part of which 25-30% have to make vegetable fats;
  • Carbohydrates – 400 g;
  • Table salt – 6 g;
  • Retinolum – 0,6 mg;
  • Carotene – 8,4 mg;
  • Thiamin – 1,9 mg;
  • Riboflavinum – 1,9 mg;
  • Niacin – 23 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid – 130 mg;
  • Sodium – 4,4 g;
  • Potassium – 4,7 g;
  • Calcium – 0,95 g;
  • Magnesium – 0,4 g;
  • Phosphorus – 1,9 g;
  • Iron – 0,06 g;
  • Energy value – 2800-2900 kcal.

The recommended products and dishes for a diet 14

At observance of a diet at an urolithiasis the products recommended for consumption are:

  • Various flour products and various types of bread;
  • Animal, fish and vegetable fats (except refractory);
  • The soups and broths made on fish, mushroom and meat products with grain and macaroni;
  • The different types of meat, bird and fish prepared in any ways;
  • The various grain prepared on water;
  • Sour-milk products and milk, except fat sour cream for gas station;
  • One egg a day made in any way;
  • Green peas;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Any mushrooms;
  • Carrots, cucumbers and vegetable marrows;
  • Meat and fish snack;
  • Olives;
  • Confectionery;
  • Nuts (cedar and walnut);
  • Honey;
  • Sugar;
  • Water-melons, melons, pineapples, grapes, garnets, quince, pears and peaches;
  • Acid grades of apples;
  • Acid grades of berries (mulberry, blackberry, sweet cherry, guelder-rose, cherry, cranberry, bilberry, wild strawberry, cornel, strawberry, black and red currant, cloudberries, cowberry, medlar and mountain ash);
  • Raisin;
  • Compotes;
  • Kissels;
  • Meat, fish and mushroom sauces;
  • Tea and coffee without milk;
  • Dogrose broth;
  • Mineral water;
  • Birch sap;
  • Fish oil and vegetable oil (intake);
  • Infusion of a tea mushroom;
  • Fruit drinks.

Диета при мочекаменной болезни запрещает употреблять 14 продуктов, которые способствуют образованию камней в почкахLiquid consumption (waters, tea, coffee, etc.) has to be not less than 3 l a day, a diet of 4-5 times a day.

The prohibited products and dishes for a diet 14

At observance of a diet at stones in kidneys the products prohibited for consumption are:

  • Vegetable, milk and fruit soups;
  • Various smoked products and salty fish (herring);
  • Cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Fat dairy products;
  • Egg yolks in limited quantity (no more than one in days);
  • Bean;
  • Vegetables, in particular potatoes and fruits;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable, fruit and berry juice;
  • Vegetable snack;
  • Pepper, mustard, vinegar, adjika and horse-radish;
  • Cooking and meat fats.

At a complete recovery and return of the patient to a usual way of life the general principles of a diet at an urolithiasis in particular those moments which concern 14 products prohibited on a diet have to be kept and further.

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