There is a set of diets which 2 kg at observance it is possible to lose excess weight in 3-5 days without starving also without harm for health. The main rules of any diet, are the use of 2 l of water a day and half-hour walks in the fresh air. The best diets, minus 2 kg at which are dumped on average from 3 to 7 days, according to nutritionists, are the complexes based on the balanced food which help to get rid of excess weight and to settle work of intestines.
The essence of this complex consists in the use of certain products in certain time and in a certain quantity. It is very important to follow this diet without any deviations (having a snack), otherwise this diet of 2 kg in a week and for longer terms will not help to dump. It is necessary to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, and in half an hour to start a breakfast which consists of 150 grams of porridge with fruit (bananas, avocado and grapes are excluded) or boiled egg with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
The lunch has to consist at choice of the fresh vegetable greens salad filled with 1 tablespoon of olive oil or the fat-free yogurt (it is possible with pieces of fruit).
For lunch it is necessary to cook easy vegetable soup for which preparation will be necessary a cauliflower, it is a little onions, carrots, mushrooms (champignons), greens and siliculose haricot. In addition to soup it is also possible to cook chicken breast or low-fat fish and a small amount of vegetable stew, however it is impossible to use potatoes at all, otherwise this diet of 2 kg will not help to dump.
It is authorized to have an afternoon snack skim cheese or tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage salad.
The dinner has to be a lung and consist at choice of 0% of kefir, skim cheese, salad, boiled meat or fish and 150 grams of stewed vegetables.
Keeping to this diet of 2 kg in a week it is possible to dump without starving, to remember the main thing that it is impossible to use products which are not in the list. The food needs to be cooked, extinguished or steamed, the portion should not exceed 300 гр, at desire to have a bite it is authorized to use several spoons of oat bran, fruit are used to 3 h day, salt and sugar are prohibited, and coffee and tea without additives can be used in unlimited number.
This diet, minus 2 kg at which leave in 3-5 days, call "Cucumber" as a basis of a day diet are cucumbers. It is important to exclude completely from a diet salt, coffee and potatoes, and also to use 2 kg of cucumbers daily. In unlimited number any greens, one large tomato in day and green tea without sugar are resolved. The approximate menu of a diet to lose weight by 2 kg observing which it will be easy also without harm for an organism, looks so:
At desire chicken can be replaced with low-fat beef or a turkey, it is also possible to add on flavoring preferences to salads and boiled vegetables (excepting potatoes and corn). Keeping to a diet it is also necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes for receiving all necessary nutrients, also keeping to this diet 2 weeks of 5 kg it is possible to dump without feeling of hunger and harm for an organism.
This diet of 2 kg allows to dump, eating chocolate. The essence is that for two days it is necessary to eat two tiles of dark chocolate in three steps washing down with a coffee cup with milk without sugar. Such diet will suit those who need to lose quickly weight before some action. At this diet to lose weight by 2 kg, unlike other diets, it is possible in only two days.
Very effective diet for 2 weeks will help to dump from 4 to 6 kg, however, it very strict and will suit only those who are sure in own health. Menu of this diet is as follows:
This diet of 2 kg allows to dump in three days. The menu of the first day consists of the following products:
Second day:
Third day:
If to observe this menu without introducing in it the amendments, then this diet will allow to dump 2 weeks of 5 kg without hungering.
This diet is specially developed for those who work and can not always cook healthy food. Adhering to this diet of 2 kg it is possible to lose weekly, and it is possible to sit on it before achievement of necessary results.
Menu of this diet is as follows:
This effective diet for 2 weeks and more will be able to become the best means for dumping of excess weight.
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