Diet "2468"

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:12 days

3,5 of 5

Extreme diet which can be unhealthy. Despite the high speed of loss of weight, its efficiency questionable as the risk of return of the dumped kilograms is extremely high.

Recommended частота:раз in a year
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

There is a legend that the diet "2468" was developed for the European models, with its help girls quickly got rid of extra kilos before seasons of displays. It does not have confirmations, but can quite be that exactly desire to look as the top model is motivation for observance of this diet as she is very tough, and its observance demands serious efforts.

This power supply system belongs to extremely low-calorie diets with the changed daily caloric content that does not allow metabolism to adapt to restriction of a diet at the expense of what high rate of weight reduction is maintained. For every day the daily caloric content of a diet is established: the first day – 200 kcal, the second – 400 kcal, the third – 600 kcal and the fourth – 800 kcal. Then the cycle is repeated. Thus, in 12 days of a diet three cycles for 4 days turn out.

The diet "2468" does not limit the choice of products. Is it is possible any food, the main thing that the caloric content of a diet did not exceed specified for a certain day.

Though there are no restrictions on the choice of products, from the point of view of health it is worth preferring useful low-calorie products (vegetables, sour-milk products, fast meat), but not confectionery or fat smoked products.

It is important to leave correctly a diet, otherwise the lost weight will return much soon after its end. Within 14 days after the termination of a diet it is necessary to increase gradually diet caloric content, avoiding some fried and greasy food. Gradually daily caloric content is brought to 1800 kcal and held at this level 1-2 weeks.

Диета «2468»: принципы питания


Speed of a plumb of a diet "2468" makes 5-6 kilograms a week.

Plus of this power supply system is that it is not necessary to limit itself in the choice of products. No food is excluded completely for the period of a diet.

Shortcomings and contraindications

Even the maximum daily caloric content in this system (800 kcal) is extremely low. Doctors consider daily caloric content below 1200 kcal insufficient, it adversely affects the state of health.

The diet "2468" is followed by breakdown, weakness, irritability, depression. Quite often there are headaches, dizziness, the sleep is interrupted.

The diet is contraindicated to the people having big exercise, intellectual or psychological stress or problems with health, and also future and feeding mothers, children and teenagers weakened after a disease or to elderly people.

What products are resolved?

During the Diet "2468" it is possible to use any products, the main thing that the general daily caloric content did not exceed specified.

What products are prohibited?

There are no prohibited products.


The approximate menu on 200 kcal of the Diet "2468".

First breakfast

2 cucumbers (30 kcal), piece of cheese pie (40 kcal).

Second breakfast

100 g of a boiled cauliflower (10 kcal), water.


100 g of stewed cabbage (30 kcal), water.


Small piece of cheese (20 kcal), small piece of ham (20 kcal), 1 dried apricots (40 kcal), green tea without sugar.

Useful tips

Council 1: Though there are no restrictions on the choice of products, from the point of view of health it is worth preferring useful low-calorie products (vegetables, sour-milk products, fast meat), but not confectionery or fat smoked products.

Council 2: Daily it is necessary to drink about 2 l of water, it will help an organism to get rid of toxins and will improve overall health.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.