The diet should be selected depending on for what term the object to lose weight by 3 kg is set. As a rule, at observance of a low-calorie diet of this result it is possible to reach in 3-4 days. During bystry diets or, so-called, fasting days the diet is poor in proteins, food fibers and minerals. As a result it is really possible to lose extra kilos, however most often they are returned as during similar diets the purpose to change a way of life and food which led to excess weight is not set. At the same time usually a diet minus 3 kg for several days accompany feeling sick and the irritability caused by constant feeling of hunger.
The most optimum time to lose weight on a diet by 3 kg, is month. During this time it is possible not only to get rid of excess fat, but also, having changed a diet and having got rid of addictions, to improve health and health.
There are different types of diets minus 3 kg in three days. Though they have different names, diets have many similar lines, at the same time any of them does not lean on reliable medical researches. It is considered that diets of 3 kg for short term originate at the end of the 20th century when slim female figures began to become fashionable.
Most often fish, preferential a tuna, and various vegetables and fruit enters a diet of bystry diets of 3 kg. Also, as a rule, an indispensable condition is to drink not less than 1-2 liters of water a day.
The first day of the most widespread option of a three-day diet of 3 kg consists:
The second day includes:
The diet the day before yesterday of a diet of 3 kg consists:
Also to lose weight on a diet by 3 kg in three days it is possible to adhere also to other diets. The menu of a "jockey" diet includes:
The diet of a vegetarian diet of 3 kg consists:
As a rule, week diets of 3 kg also low-calorie are also not recommended by nutritionists.
In a week buckwheat cereal is the cornerstone of one of diets of 3 kg. The author of a diet offers for a week there is during the day 1 glass of buckwheat which is filled in since evening of 500 ml of boiled water. Treat the resolved drinks tea (grassy or green) and the fat-free kefir.
The kefiric diet of 3 kg in a week is also eurysynusic. At the same time there is a rigid option at which within seven days it is offered to drink only kefir, and softer, allowing in a diet other products. So, in addition to kefir for the first two days the use of boiled rice, the third and fourth – boiled chicken (without skin), 5-7 days – apples is allowed.
Nutritionists developed a set of various diets of 3 kg in a month. It is sufficient term to lose weight, without having at the same time a stress of rigid bystry diets to which the constant feeling of hunger accompanies.
In addition to the painted diet which can change depending on the author of a diet of 3 kg in a month there are some general rules and councils, following which weight loss will not cause discomfort, and also chances to return after a diet the lost kilograms are minimized:
Besides, many practicians to lose weight on a diet by 3 kg advise:
Before a diet of 3 kg it is necessary to think of how further to support the received result. Perhaps, it will be required to make changes to the usual diet, and also it is more time to give to physical exercises.
Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.
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