The diet 3 is medical and is applied at chronic diseases of intestines, locks, during an unsharp exacerbation of a disease or out of the aggravation period. The diet 3 for the children and adults who are regularly suffering from locks and abdominal distention is recommended.
The table of a diet 3 is characterized by the day diet containing 100-120 g of protein, 100-120 g of fats and 400-450 g of carbohydrates. More than 15 g a day are not recommended to use salts, and liquid needs to drink 1,5 l a day. Thus, energy value of a diet 3 makes 3-3,5 thousand calories a day. The diet 3 provided frequent meal, it is not less than 4-6 times in days.
The menu of a diet 3 shall include dishes and products which activate motility of intestines. And here food which causes rotting and fermentation, and also negatively influences work of digestive organs, needs to be excluded from a diet. Thus, the table of a diet 3 is directed to normalization of exchange processes in an organism and improvement of function of intestines.
At a diet the 3rd food should not be strongly crushed. Ideal option are the dishes steamed and also by roasting or cooking. Fruit and vegetables are recommended to be used crude. It is impossible to use too cold and too hot dishes. Optimum temperature of dishes – within 15-62 degrees.
The menu of a diet 3 shall include the following products:
3 it is not recommended to include such products in the menu of a diet:
And here several recipes of a diet 3 which will help you to diversify a little a table of a diet 3 and to make it tasty.
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