There are many techniques allowing to get rid of fatty deposits in a stomach. These are special physical exercises, massage and folk remedies, medicamentous intervention and diets. Any effective diet for a flat stomach has to be directed to normalization of metabolism in an organism, and also on improvement of functioning of a digestive tract. The diet for a stomach is only a part of process of weight loss. To gather in a stomach, the diet needs to be combined with the sports exercises allowing to burn excess calories.
In most cases excess weight appears at improper feeding. The basic principle of a diet for a stomach – to adjust a diet. The products rich with cellulose (greens, fruit, vegetables, cereals) have to make a basis of a diet. It is necessary to eat proteinaceous food of animal origin not less than two-three weekly. Proteinaceous food of a plant origin during a diet for weight loss of a stomach should be included daily. To gather in a stomach, it is necessary to adhere to a diet a long time. Restrictions will gradually accustom an organism that metabolism will be a little normalized and reconstructed. Later it is possible to add to a diet of berry and juice, bread of a rough grinding and porridge. Nutritionists also advise to include in a diet nuts and sunflower seeds, but no more than 50 grams a day.
During a diet for a flat stomach it is just necessary to drink a large amount of water. Nutritionists recommend to drink still mineral water, the thawed or purified water. For preparation of thawed snow it is necessary to take capacity with a wide neck. To pour clear water in capacity and to put it in the freezer. After a while water will become covered by a thin ice layer. This ice should be removed, and to freeze other water. After full freezing it is possible to thaw and drink water small drafts (one liter in a day). Thawed snow helps to clear a lymph and to burn excesses of fat.
During a diet for a stomach it is impossible to take alcohol as all alcoholic drinks slow down a metabolism. It is also necessary to limit the use of flour and sweet products, fat and fried dishes.
That the diet for a stomach was effective, it is necessary to break meal into four-five conditional points with equal periods.
In the first day of a diet for a stomach for breakfast it is possible to drink a cup of green tea or a glass of svezheotzhaty juice from carrots and apples. Between a breakfast and a lunch it is possible to eat nutlets (50 g of a filbert or walnuts). For lunch it is desirable to boil brown rice and to make fresh vegetables salad. For dinner to bake 50 grams of fish of low-fat grades with vegetables.
For the second day of a diet it is possible to eat a half of grapefruit or apple. Between a breakfast and a lunch to make fruit or vegetable salad. It is possible to drink a glass of svezheotzhaty carrot juice. For lunch to boil buckwheat. Instead of a dessert to eat a small brush of grapes and herbal tea. For dinner to boil or bake two hundred grams of chicken breast. As a garnish it is possible to stew any vegetables.
For the third day of a diet for weight loss of a stomach it is possible to make porridge and to bake apples. Between a breakfast and a lunch to eat a brush of grapes and to wash down with a glass of mineral still water. For lunch to boil two hundred grams of fish, to make carrots sour cream salad. For dinner to drink 250 ml of low-fat kefir and to eat one banana.
On Monday for breakfast to make a toast of coarse flour, to drink 200 ml of low-fat yogurt. For lunch to boil rice and to make pepper, cucumbers, white cabbage salad. For dinner to boil hundred grams of chicken meat or beef, to bake eggplants. To wring out 250 ml of juice from apples.
In the second day of a diet for a stomach for breakfast it is possible to eat skim cheese and to drink a cup of rather weak tea or coffee. For lunch to boil rice (100 g) and beef (100 g). For dinner to make salad from tomatoes and onions. To fill salad with vegetable oil. Before going to bed it is possible to drink 250 ml of tomato juice.
On Wednesday for breakfast to boil hundred grams of a turkey. To drink a glass of green tea. For lunch to boil or prepare on couple 150 grams of fish of low-fat grades and to make sauerkraut, onions salad and peas. For dinner to boil rice and to eat apple. Before going to bed it is possible to drink a glass of svezheotzhaty apple juice.
For the fourth day of a diet for weight loss of a stomach for breakfast it is possible to boil veal, to drink rather weak coffee or tea. For lunch to cook vegetable soup on rather weak broth. It is possible to eat a little bread with bran. For dinner to boil rice and 150 grams of chicken meat.
On Friday for breakfast to prepare a toast, to drink a glass of the fat-free kefir. For lunch to bake a little potatoes, to boil 150 grams of fish and to make carrot sour cream salad. For dinner to make fresh vegetables salad, to boil 100 grams of veal.
On Saturday for breakfast it is possible to boil egg. It is possible to eat oatmeal cookies (2 pieces) and to drink herbal tea. For lunch to boil rice and hundred grams of a turkey. For dinner to boil two hundred grams of chicken meat. It is possible to make fruit salad (plum, orange, apple, a pear).
On Sunday to prepare a toast and to drink green tea. For lunch to boil rice and to make vegetable salad (pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions). For dinner to boil 200 grams of beef and to make cucumbers and white cabbage salad.
During a diet it is very useful to carry out exercises on retraction of a stomach. On a deep breath it is necessary to relax a stomach, and on an exhalation to involve. In one-two weeks the stomach will become elastic.
Will help to burn excess of fat in a stomach turns of a trunk and side inclinations of a trunk serially to the left and to the right, squats. Also roundabouts by the lower and upper parts of a body serially are effective. It is possible to set effect of a flat stomach by means of exercises with a hoop, jumps on a jump rope, dances, swimming, sports walking or jog.
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