Main > Reference book of diets> Margarita Koroleva's diet

Margarita Koroleva's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:9 days

3,5 of 5

The nine-day diet of Margarita Koroleva is effective, but is not deprived of shortcomings: probability of feeling sick in the period of a diet and risk of return of the lost weight after its end.

Recommended частота:раз in 3 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Stars of show business keep a figure, and many of them resort to the help of professional nutritionists. One of the most famous specialists in the field of dietary food – Margarita Koroleva responsible for slim figures of the singer Valeria, Philip Kirkorov, Nadezhda Babkina and Nikolay Baskov.

Margarita Koroleva is the author of several diets. The most popular of them, rice, will help to get rid of 6 kilograms in 9 days.

The rice diet called on a main course of the first three days – typical option of the alternating monodiet. According to the author, a monodiet – the best way to get rid of excess weight in short terms.

The nine-day diet of Margarita Koroleva is divided into three stages:

  1. 1-3 day. Only the rice prepared the next way is used: the glass of not washed out rice should be wetted since evening in water, and to pour out in boiled water in the morning then to cook within 10-15 minutes. To eat a glass of boiled rice, to divide the rest into equal portions and to use during the day at an interval of 1 hour;
  2. 4-6 day. The only dish – boiled chicken. It is necessary to skin a carcass weighing 1-1,3 kg, then to cook to readiness. To divide chicken into small portions, to eat them during the day;
  3. 7-9 day. The last three days of a diet – vegetable. Vegetables can be used both in crude, and in a boiled look, it is allowed to cook salads and soups, and a pickles and canned food is prohibited. The daily portion of vegetables has to be located in bank of 800 ml.

For the period of a diet the use of salt and sugar is completely excluded. It is recommended to drink not less than 2,5 pure liters a day. The last meal – not later than 19 hours.

Диета Маргариты Королевой – девятидневная чередующаяся монодиета


The main plus of a diet of Margarita Koroleva is bystry weight reduction, 6 kilograms in 9 days are an extreme rate of weight loss.

The vegetables, chicken and rice making a diet diet – the most popular set of products for fight against excess weight, it is available and inexpensive.

Lack of excessive appetite belongs to advantages, the monotonous menu does not cause desire is much.

Shortcomings and contraindications

Margarita Koroleva's diet is not balanced therefore it is not necessary to adhere to it longer than the recommended time.

Quite often there are problems with intestines. It is connected with the fact that during the first 6 days food dry and contains not enough cellulose, rice and animal protein possess the fixing action.

The scanty diet can cause fatigue, breakdown, a headache. Rigid restrictions increase probability of return of the lost weight right after their cancellation.

Margarita Koroleva's diet is contraindicated to the people with diseases of digestive tract, kidneys and also suffering from a diabetes mellitus and other diseases of a metabolism.

What products are resolved?

The list of the resolved products is simple: rice, chicken without skin, any vegetables and clear water.

What products are prohibited?

All products, except specified as resolved are prohibited. Under a ban also vegetables in a tinned look, sugar and salt.


1-3 day


4-6 day


7-9 day

The vegetables which went in in bank of 800 ml.


Useful tips:

Council 1: In case of painful feeling of hunger it is better to eat more than the products resolved in this day, than to break and gorge on prohibited.

Council 2: From the first to the sixth day it is necessary to keep to Margarita Koroleva's diets especially carefully the drinking mode – to drink 2-2,5 liters of water a day, it will help to avoid locks.

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Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.