The balanced food not only helps to clear intestines, sates an organism with all necessary microelements and vitamins, but also helps to lose excess weight. Diets, the menu for every day for which is developed by dietitians, are not only balanced, but also low-calorie.
Such diet for every day is the representative of a healthy food allowance, observing it, health cannot do much harm, and to get rid here of excess weight very really. The food allowance for every day at observance of an easy diet has the following appearance:
Such food allowance for every day completely provides an organism with all necessary vitamins and microelements. If every day it is difficult to use the same products, then it is possible to replace dishes with similar dietary products.
The essence of this diet for every day is that in day it is allowed to eat such amount of food which energy value is equal in total amount to 1500 kcal.
For this diet of the menu for every day has the following appearance:
The proteinaceous diet is the representative of the most effective diets for weight loss, however not it will suit everyone as squirrels contain in the basic in meat, fish and dairy products which are not used, for example, by vegetarians.
The menu of a proteinaceous diet for every day has the following appearance:
The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.
Many parents of children at the age of 2-4 years face excessively whimsical behavior of the child. The kid exhausts constant crying...
Section: SlideshowHistory of mankind contains several tens of epidemics whose emergence was compared by eyewitnesses and historians to doomsday. The most terrible of them claimed the lives of millions of people, having made even the whole people to the person of the earth. What they − the diseases striking terror? Daringly...
Section: Articles about healthExtracorporal fertilization – one of the most modern methods of controlling with infertility. So far he already helped a significant amount of married couples to become happy parents. Usually to the EKO procedure difficult and very expensive, resort in those situations when all other ways to help couple to bring the child are inefficient. "Conception in a test tube" yields quite good results in cases of infertility of one of partners, existence at the woman of impassability of uterine tubes...
Section: Articles about healthHousehold skills which to us so diligently imparted in the childhood it appears, not always bring only benefit. According to result...
Section: Articles about healthThe healthy nutrition is the invariable principle of health and good health for long years of the woman. Nevertheless, in a diet at each stage of life there are the features allowing to support an organism by those substances which are most necessary...
Section: Articles about healthEach person knows that fervescence is an illness sign. However too low temperature (hypothermia), especially also can demonstrate existence of diseases when it is observed long enough. Such state is dangerous that it, unlike fever, does not give a serious inconvenience: patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, apathy. Sometimes the fever and a cryesthesia in extremities joins. Many people at similar symptoms...
Section: Articles about healthScientists have no unambiguous opinion on a proximate cause of emergence of a carcinoma cutaneum today. Are precisely established only фа...
Section: Articles about healthThe trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This heavy complication arising owing to a thermal injury (a burn or a frostbite), chronic pathologies of arteries or veins of the lower extremities, a diabetes mellitus, and also some defeats of a soyeda...
Section: Articles about healthThe popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Whether really it is possible for one and all people and it is necessary to run to receive the portion of health, a charge of cheerfulness and good mood?...
Section: Articles about healthHemorrhoids – extremely widespread disease. Periodically arising inflammations and bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes пр...
Section: Articles about healthThere is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator is considered the most suitable place for storage of food. In most cases it is fair, however there is a number of products, for a kotor...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the useful properties presented to the person by the nature is ability to feel fear. This ability is designed to signal about approach of a dangerous situation and to help to avoid in advance it to keep life. However if the fear is persuasive and is not reasonable, it can seriously limit possibilities of the person in respect of socialization and self-realization. Such pathological fear is called a phobia....
Section: Articles about healthWhat will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Give ра...
Section: SlideshowUse of medicinal plants in therapy is urgent today, more than ever. The drugs made of curative herbs cannot replace completely modern synthetic drugs, but their use becomes frequent serious help in simplification a leak...
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of improvement of a condition of the patients at administration of drugs who are not containing active agents, so-called effect of placebo is known long ago. At the end of the 18th century the American doctor Perkins began to treat people the "miracle" sticks made of alloy of steel and brass. Was for several minutes to press such subject enough to a sore point that it became much easier for the patient. Having suspected Perkins of charlatanism, his colleagues tried to repeat "miracle" by means of sticks, steles...
Section: Articles about healthThe drugs stopping or oppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms are widely applied in clinical practice with 4...
Section: Articles about healthSooner or later hair turn gray at all. Many people try to hide these changes, returning natural color of the hair by means of coloring, or considerably changing it for the purpose of creation of absolutely new image. All know that the gray hair is a sign приближающ...
Section: Articles about healthMushrooms - the surprising inhabitants of our planet having a set of wonderful qualities. Thanks to one of them, a mold mushroom of Penicillium notatum, the first natural antibiotic - penicillin was received nearly 80 years ago. The mankind is obliged to this opening by millions of saved lives....
Section: Articles about healthThe way of life of people promptly changes from year to year: if about ten years ago the personal computer was not in each family...
Section: Articles about healthAn eye of the person daily experiences considerable strain. The problem of preservation of sight is for many years directly connected with a question of supply of tissues of eye enough oxygen and nutrients. This task is carried out by small vessels – capillaries. For holes...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior is extremely thoughtless and improvident. Our health is necessary not only to us: wellbeing of darlings, children, grandsons and aged parents directly depends on as far as we are vigorous and able-bodied. Therefore in time to be inspected – a duty of any modern person. Specialists consider that 7 regular surveys and di are especially necessary for women...
Section: Articles about healthTick-borne encephalitis – one of the most dangerous viral diseases which causative agents transfer and is given to people by ixodic mites. Эт...
Section: Articles about healthThe advantage of swimming for the person is so high that this sport is not only the most popular, but also is widely applied in medicine and rehabilitation processes. If you look for for yourself the occupation allowing pleasantly and to spend time, then swimming with advantage...
Section: SlideshowVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called - infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that the majority of diseases such will respond to treatment, they are widespread everywhere, and there is no tendency to decrease in incidence. Besides, some of them promptly look younger: statistically, a third of young people at the age of 16-22 years of a str...
Section: Articles about healthThe immunity role in growth of the child is invaluable. The proteins-immunoglobulins produced by immune system preserve the child against diseases...
Section: Articles about healthLong time antibiotics were considered as a panacea from all diseases and were appointed even at insignificant symptoms of an infection. Even now not everyone knows in what force of antibiotics how and when they should be accepted. Let's discredit 7 popular myths about such drugs...
Section: Articles about healthThe majority of gynecologic diseases prove three main signs, each of which speaks about need of a visit to the gynecologist. Certainly, it is possible to establish the exact diagnosis only after inspection, but on the basis of some signs it is possible to assume existence of this or that pathology. Let's consider symptoms of the female diseases which are found most often....
Section: Articles about health