Diet on salads – the special diet assuming the use of salads as a main course throughout all term of observance of a diet. Diets on salads belong to type of bystry diets and are not recommended for long observance. Such diets represent a bystry and easy way to lose weight, adhering to the tasty and balanced menu.
For the correct weight loss it is necessary to understand truly a diet on salads. First of all, as well as any other diet, the salad menu assumes normalization of weight and a condition of an organism, the GITs functions. The basic principle of weight loss at observance of a diet on salads consists in decrease in number of the consumed calories and clarification of an organism. Also it provides bystry saturation with crude products.
So, vegetables, being the main ingredients of salad, are a source of cellulose and the pectinaceous substances stimulating a peristaltics of intestines, promoting its bystry clarification, decrease in level of cholesterol and other fatty compounds of blood, decrease in level of sugar, removal of the toxins normalizing GIT microflora.
Vegetables – a source of vitamins, antioxidants, macro - and the microelements necessary for an organism for normal functioning.
The diet on salads assumes the use of vegetable salads as the basic, but not the only dish. The exception of meat and cereals, grain of a diet can lead to disturbance of functioning of a stomach, avitaminosis, hunger that, in turn, can provoke mental disorders (a stress, irritability, fatigue, a sleep disorder), gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcers). The diet on salads has to be balanced.
The main ingredients of dietary salads for weight loss are vegetables, both in crude, and in a boiled look. Also at salads there have to be eggs, low-fat grades of firm cheeses, fast grades of meat and fish. Combination of the main source of protein (meat) and cellulose (vegetables) allows to balance the menu ideally. Dietary salads for weight loss also have to be added with grain bread, vegetable broths.
In dietary salads for weight loss it is necessary to avoid the following components:
Also in preparation of salads it is necessary to use spices on a minimum, for strengthening of taste it is possible to add greens (fennel, parsley, a basil), and also ginger, horse-radish, cinnamon. Recipes of salads can include nuts, vitamin-rich And, E, and also group B vitamins, microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus), fatty acids. In dietary salads walnut, pine nuts, a peanut, almonds can be used.
A variety of available recipes allows to avoid the depression developing against the background of the scanty and uniform menu of the majority of diets. The diet on salads can be very diverse. Dietary salads which recipes are quite easy and ingredients are available, allow to vary the menu, replacing products. So, meat and fish can replace each other in many salads.
The diet on salads offers nourishing and tasty recipes from crude vegetables which are most effective for bystry weight reduction. For dietary salads recipes assume:
Ingredients of many salads are interchanged that allows to experiment with taste and caloric content.
One of the most popular recipes of light salad is:
For seasoning of light salad it is recommended to use lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce. For bigger aroma of salad it is recommended to add a spoon of grains of sesame.
Other option of light salad is:
Such salad is also recommended to be filled with lemon juice and olive oil.
The diet on salads is bystry and efficiently weight reduction, allowing to clear an organism of slags, toxins, and also to start processes of natural clarification. The main advantages of a salad diet are:
The main shortcomings of a salad diet are:
During observance of a diet it is necessary to limit the use of dairy products.
The main question at observance of the correct food allowance consists in what to fill salads at a diet. The diet recommends to exclude such seasonings as:
Choosing, than to fill salads at a diet, it is recommended to give preference to olive oil or sauces of house preparation.
Olive oil is vitamin-rich K and E, unsaturated fats, antioxidants. Such gas station is shown to patients with diseases of kidneys, a liver, a GIT, a gall bladder.
In house conditions at observance of a diet on salads it is recommended to prepare universal gas station from natural yogurt. For this purpose it is necessary:
To mix all ingredients, it is good to shake up the received mix. The period of validity of such gas station for dietary salad makes no more than 24 hours.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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