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Diet on juice

The diet on juice represents the juice clarification directed to weight loss, elimination of a vitamin deficiency and microelements, improvement of a metabolism and removal of slags from an organism.

Features of a diet on juice

Диета на соках должна включать в себя свежевыжатые сокиThe diet on juice lasts for a week during which it is necessary to exclude completely from a diet meat food, fried and smoked. It is necessary to pass to a diet, gradually adding a glass of juice to the menu and spending fasting days on fruit and vegetables.

The diet on tomato juice which provides the daily use of tomatoes and juice from them is especially useful to clarification of an organism and weight loss. Tomatoes are the low-calorie vegetables purifying blood and normalizing arterial pressure. The diet on tomato juice at which it is necessary to drink 1,5 - 2 l of juice a day allows to lose weight by 3-5 kg without stress for an organism.

The diet and type of a diet at observance of a diet on juice need to be selected individually, proceeding from body weight and the state of health of the person. For efficiency of a diet it is necessary to change the usual mode of life and to enter regular physical exercises in the fresh air.

Freshly squeezed juice for weight loss which if necessary can be diluted with water is most effective and to use together with vegetables and fruit.

In certain cases nutritionists appoint the rigid juice diet close to starvation, without addition of other products. Such diet lasts 1-2 days and consists of freshly squeezed juice for weight loss (apple, beet, tomato, orange, etc.) which it is necessary to drink 5-7 times a day on 200 ml.

Caloric content of freshly squeezed juice

Caloric content of freshly squeezed juice rather low is also ideal for the vegetarian and dietary menu. An exception is grape juice which contains a large amount of glucose and is contraindicated at a diabetes mellitus, disbolism and obesity.

The diet on juice with low calorie content (apple, tomato, beet, carrot, etc.) allows not only to lose weight, but also to eliminate symptoms of such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, disturbances of functioning of kidneys and a liver.

To define how many calories in juice are possible according to what fruit or vegetable is chosen for its preparation. Low-calorie fruit and vegetables are carrots, apple, a tomato, garnet, beet and a celery. From that how many calories in juice, efficiency and advantage of drink for weight loss depends.

Juice for weight loss received good comments as natural drinks which contain a large amount of vitamins, ascorbic acid and carotene.

For preparation of juice it is necessary to use ripe fruit which need to be squeezed out the juice extractor or to crush the mixer. It is not necessary to store juice more than 4 hours as it loses useful vitamins and microelements.

The menu and recipes of a diet on juice

The menu of a diet on juice needs to be diversified, and also it is useful to combine different types of fruit and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend to make dietary cocktails with addition of greens and useful officinal herbs.

The diet on pineapple juice assumes fasting days in which it is necessary to drink juice with pulp and there are fresh pineapples. It is necessary to carry out meal 4-5 times a day. Such diet allows to improve health, to increase immunity, to normalize intestinal microflora and to increase amount of enzymes.

Strawberry and crimson mixes, smuz from berries and cocktail the Maracas can be useful recipes of a diet on juice. Orange, pineapple, grapefruit and lemon juice is a part of cocktail the Maracas.

Advantages and shortcomings of a diet on juice

Juice for weight loss received a set of positive reviews as drinks which have useful properties and advantages to elimination of excess weight. But it is necessary to consider shortcomings and contraindications to use of a diet on juice.

Диета на соках включает в себя фруктовые, овощные и ягодные сокиFirst of all, such diet can cause allergic reactions to fruit and vegetables which use in a large number. Also during this diet there can be headache attacks, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and weakness, an exacerbation of diseases of the alimentary system.

The diet on juice is contraindicated at a diabetes mellitus and an urolithiasis. Nutritionists recommend to drink juice through a tubule not to damage an adamantine substance of tooth.

It is most expressed useful properties of a diet on juice are shown at the use of apple and carrot, cabbage and beet juice. It is useful to combine apple and orange juice as they contain necessary for an organism (especially during the autumn and winter period) vitamin C, pectin and ascorbic acid. Apple juice with spinach improves blood circulation and clears an organism. For improvement of a condition of skin recommend to drink cucumber juice with addition of pieces of sweet paprika.

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