Main > Reference book of diets> A diet at a pancreas disease

Diet at a pancreas disease

Диета при заболевании поджелудочной железы является одним из пунктов леченияRecently people even more often have various diseases of bodies of digestive tract. As a rule, doctors connect similar diseases with the defective or improper feeding unorganized by a way of life. Also these diseases are quite often provoked by organic damages, reception of certain medicines, a bad ecological situation. Most often from bodies of digestive tract there is a damage of a pancreas. At a disease there is hypostasis and an inflammation of gland, it increases in sizes, and on it the necrosis centers from which the infection gets to internal environment of an organism are formed. Timely treatment plays very important role here, and, in treatment of a pancreas the diet takes not the last place.

The pancreas performs very important function in our organism – it emits pancreatic juice which digests food. Besides, in a pancreas there are impregnations of the cells which are called islets of Langerhans. These cells are responsible for synthesis of insulin without which normal comprehensibility of glucose is impossible.

Pancreas diseases

The most widespread diseases of a pancreas is chronic or acute pancreatitis. As a rule, this disease causes weakness in all body, fervescence, the appetite loss, vomiting and nausea and also aching or sharp stitches which can give to a back. Treatment of pancreatitis has to be operational.

Bases of clinical nutrition and diet at pancreas diseases

In addition to drug treatment of a pancreas the diet is also of great importance. Clinical nutrition is the integral component of successful treatment. The diet at a pancreas prevents a course of a disease and slows down emergence of chronic processes and in general, makes preventive and fortifying impact on an organism.

So, the basic principles of a diet at diseases of a pancreas include:

  • Observance of the correct diet. Food has to pass in the same hours, to be regular.
  • The diet by all means has to be interesting and various.
  • When the pancreas hurts, the diet has to be selected individually, taking into account complexity of course of a disease and requirements of an organism.
  • At selection of necessary products it is worth paying attention to their chemical composition and caloric content.
  • It is necessary to remember that before giving on a table all products have to be exposed to the corresponding culinary processing provided by a diet at a pancreas.
  • At a pancreas inflammation the diet has to enter a complex of medical techniques (medicamentous therapy, exercise stresses, physical therapy, use of mineral and active waters, etc.).

Acute inflammation of a pancreas – a diet

At an acute disease of a pancreas the diet begins with medical starvation. In the first few days since the beginning of a disease the use only of still mineral water is allowed. For the lack of that it is possible to drink boiled water of room temperature, and also broth of a dogrose or weak tea. Duration of medical starvation depends on disease severity. The starvation exceeding two weeks as the organism begins to suffer an acute shortage of the useful substances arriving with food is not allowed.

After the end of medical starvation to the patient appoint observance of a diet at pancreas diseases. Such diet does not allow the use of the broths, fats and products prepared by frying. The salt use is excluded. It is necessary to eat the dishes steamed in a liquid or semi-fluid look, temperature about 20-50 degrees. Perfectly various lenten soups with potatoes, vegetable marrows and carrots will approach. Kashi from oat, semolina, buckwheat it is possible to cook in the milk diluted in half with water. White bread will approach 1-2 grades, it is desirable yesterday's or previously dried.

Portions have to be small, and the number of meals in day – 6-8 times. From drinks broth from hips, blackcurrant, cranberry drink, fruit juice will be very useful. The volume of the accepted liquid has to make 2-2,5 liters a day.

For the fourth day of observance of such diet at a pancreas it is possible to enter gradually into a diet dairy products (skim cheese and kefir), and also proteinaceous food (an omelet from proteins on couple). It is possible to add to a diet semi-fluid porridges on milk, low-fat cottage cheese, easy grades of meat (veal, a turkey, a rabbit, chicken, beef). Fish it is necessary to use low-fat, steamed.

After several more days of a diet at an inflammation of a pancreas it is possible to add carefully to a diet products with bigger caloric content. It is possible to add a small piece of butter, 1-2 spoons of sour cream, a little sunflower oil to porridge. It is allowed to accept kissels, the wiped compotes, various dried fruits decoctions, weak tea with a lemon, and also crude fruit and vegetables.

Alcohol, chocolate, mayonnaise, mustard, sweet aerated water, various spices, grapes, bananas, raisin, dates are prohibited.

Diet at a pancreas disease: chronic pancreatitis

At a chronic disease of a pancreas the diet means full refusal of fish and beef-infusion broths. It is necessary to exclude all from a diet bean, except green peas, and also cabbage, pepper, vinegar, mushrooms, garlic, a garden radish, onions, a radish and various hot spices. Sweet teeth, unfortunately, forever should say goodbye to honey, jam, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream and fancy pastry. On alcoholic beverages, beer, kvass and aerated water – too a taboo.

Диета при заболевании поджелудочной железы ограничивает спектр разрешенных продуктов, но при этом рацион должен быть насыщен полезными веществамиAnd what is then? Yes a lot of things. At observance of a diet at a disease of a pancreas it is possible to use various lenten and groat soups. Cutlets, goulashes and various meat dishes can be used only in a boiled look. The daily use of one soft-boiled egg, natural cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese will be useful. The use of porridges from pearl barley, millet, rice, oat-flakes, but only well razvarenny is allowed. Potatoes, pumpkin, vegetable marrows, carrots, green peas, beet purees will be useful. It is necessary to use dried fruits compotes, baked apples, apricots, pears, various fruit mousses. It will be useful in ready dishes to add a little creamy or vegetable oil. And here bread needs to be eaten dried.

The most important governed at pancreas diseases – not to overeat! It is necessary to eat food often, small portions, to 8 times a day. Temperature of food has to be warm, and here about cold or hot dishes it is necessary to forget.

You remember, at treatment of a pancreas a diet you should not neglect. Your health and health depends on it.

Whether you know that:

People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.