Main > Diseases> Dyslalia


Как проявляется дислалия у детейAmong all known speech problems of the most widespread the dyslalia is. Most often it meets at children's age and consists in various defects of a pronunciation of sounds of the native language – distortions, replacements, mixing, up to their total absence in the speech. At the same time there is rather wide opinion that a dyslalia at children – the passing phenomenon which passes with age. However similar speech disturbance is peculiar also to adults. At the same time in most cases main "roots" of a problem should be looked for after all in the childhood. Afterwards the defective sound pronunciation quite often exerts extremely adverse impact on all subsequent life.

Dyslalia reasons

All potential reasons of a dyslalia can be divided into two groups:

  • Organic. Disturbance of a pronunciation arises owing to any anomalies in a structure of the articulation device – teeth, jaws, language, the sky. It can be both the inborn, and acquired defects: lack of teeth, malocclusion, the shortened hypoglossal linking, the high arch of the sky. Any of the listed anomalies is capable to result in the defects of the speech inherent to a dyslalia;
  • Social and biological. The speech of the child develops on imitation. Many parents communicate with the kid insufficiently, do not draw the attention to development in it of proiznositelny skills. It becomes frequent the dyslalia reason, in a similar situation it is difficult to expect spontaneous emergence in the child of the correct speech. The delay of formation of the skills of a pronunciation inherent to the native language, often leads to development and fixing of a defective sound pronunciation.

Separately allocate the age reasons of a dyslalia at children of preschool age. In this case speech defect is physiological norm and does not demand correction. However for an exception of formation of pathological skills of a pronunciation it is necessary to show consideration for development of the speech of small children. At preschool age the foundation of communicative opportunities which plays an important role during all subsequent life are laid.

Dyslalia forms

Depending on the reasons which promote emergence of speech defect two main forms of a dyslalia can take place: mechanical and functional. The first of them can arise at any age in the presence of organic changes in organs of articulation. At the same time at children of disturbance of a pronunciation are connected with such pathology of language as the shortened bridle more often, or with malocclusion, that is a misplaced of jaws on the relation to each other. The bad speech of adults can be caused by age changes, first of all, lack of teeth.

The functional form of a dyslalia has several versions. Such division is caused by allocation of the most essential signs of speech disturbance that allows to make logopedic influence more purposeful. In total allocate three forms of a functional dyslalia:

  • Akustiko-fonematichesky. Insufficiency of development of speech hearing is the cornerstone of this disturbance owing to what there is mixing of the sounds close on acoustic signs, for example, on sonority dullness. In some cases inferiority of perception of sounds aurally leads to their admission in the speech;
  • Artikulyatorno-fonematichesky. The similar form of a dyslalia arises in case of insufficient assimilation of the correct provisions of bodies of organs of articulation when pronouncing these or those sounds therefore there is their mixing;
  • Artikulyatorno-fonetichesky. The distorted pronunciation of sounds caused by incorrectly acquired articulation positions is characteristic of this type of a dyslalia.

Difficult dyslalia

At a dyslalia the pronunciation of different quantity of sounds can be broken. If it is defective one of them or a little, belonging to one group, for example, only whistling is reproduced, defect is considered simple. If the pronunciation of sounds from different groups is broken, speak about existence of a difficult dyslalia. Most often it is a consequence of an underdevelopment of phonemic perception, that is speech hearing.

At the same time difficulties of correction are connected not so much with quantity is defective the said sounds how many with need of rather laborious work on development of their perception aurally. As a rule, phonemic problems become the reason that elimination of a difficult dyslalia demands rather long time. Important value has also an age factor.

Основные формы дислалииAt adults deficiency of a pronunciation is more often connected with formation of the wrong articulation positions, at the same time speech hearing is usually developed rather well. The dyslalia at children is in most cases caused by insufficiently developed phonemic perception therefore the defective pronunciation of many sounds is fixed.

Contrary to the developed opinion, both the simple, and difficult dyslalia can be eliminated without effects practically at any age. At its mechanical form disposal of defects in the articulation device is required, first of all. If it is rather difficult to achieve it, for example, at malocclusion, correction of speech defects, nevertheless, is quite available. The rated acoustic effect of a sound can be gained in the different ways.

The wrong pronunciation occurs at people of different age. In most cases sources of this problem are in the early childhood. Kids, owing to quite obvious objective reasons, cannot independently solve, how exactly speak to them during all the subsequent life. In this regard the fault for emergence and fixing at children of such speech disturbance as a dyslalia most often lies with parents. And it is quite possible to cope with defects of a sound pronunciation, for this purpose it is enough to address the logopedist in time.

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