Main > Drugs> Jess


Jess represents the hormonal drug of anti-androgenic action intended for contraception and treatment of sexual disturbances. Drug concerns to group of estrogen and gestagen with antimineralkortikoidny effect.Гормональный препарат Джесс

Structure and form of release Jess

The main active ingredients of tablets Jess are Drospirenon 3 mg and Etilestradiol of 20 mkg.

Auxiliary components: corn starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, gipromelloza, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, talc.

Jess release in the form of tablets, film coated, the lactose consisting of monohydrate, povidone and starch. In each blister on 28 pieces of active tablets and 4 tablets of placebo. In cardboard packaging 1 blister with tablets is placed.

Tablets Jess have the round form of light-red color with DS engraving.

Pharmacological properties Jess

Drug Jess is the combined contraceptive which suppresses an ovulation and changes a cervical secret which becomes impenetrable for spermatozoa.

Jess normalizes functioning of urinogenital system and stabilizes a hormonal background. As a result of its action the menstrual cycle is normalized, intensity of bleedings and risk of development of anemia decreases.

Medical researches established that peroral contraceptive means reduce probability of development of ovarian cancer and an endometria.

The main active ingredients Jess reduce body weight, possess antiedematous action and fix problems with a liquid delay in fabrics.

Jess received good comments as effective drug for normalization of a condition of women during the premenstrual period. Clinical symptoms are considerably softened, the psychoemotional state is recovered and the headache, and also a muscular pain syndrome and spasms is eliminated.

Drospirenon improves a condition of skin and eliminates a post-acne, favorably influences lipidic exchange and normalizes arterial pressure.

This drug is metabolized in a liver, and also forms acid forms in a blood plasma. Metabolites leave an organism with urine and fecal masses within 30-40 hours. Serumal concentration of substances of drug depends on reception cycles. Bioavailability makes 20-30%.

Indications to use Jess

Drug Jess is appointed as an oral contraceptive of a broad spectrum of activity. This medicine is shown to use at disturbances of a menstrual cycle, serious conditions in the period of a premenstrual syndrome, and also for treatment of skin diseases.Лекарственная форма препарата Джесс - таблетки

Jess has positive reviews as medicine for recovery of a hormonal background of women and improvement of their sexual function.

Application instruction Jess

According to the instruction, Jess it is necessary to accept on 1 tablet, plentifully washing down with water, within 28-30 days. Drug should be accepted without breaks according to appointment of the doctor.

For treatment of disturbances of a menstrual cycle it is necessary to take a pill Jess, since first day of a cycle and within 5-7 days. According to the recommendation of the attending physician drug can be accepted by a barrier method.

According to the instruction, Jess it is necessary to accept in the first day of transition from other contraceptives, vaginal means and plasters.


Contraindications to appointment Jess are serious violations of blood circulation, fibrinferment and various types of a thrombembolia, a myocardial infarction, migraine, neurologic disturbances, a diabetes mellitus, a renal and liver failure, diseases of vessels of a brain, a hypertension, pancreatitis, oncological diseases, vaginal bleedings, pregnancy and the period of a lactation.

Drug is contraindicated at individual intolerance and existence of allergic reactions.

Side effects Jess

Jess can have the following side effects:

  • from circulatory system – the vaginal bleedings smearing blood allocations from generative organs, fibrinferments;
  • from a nervous system – a headache, dizziness, brain vasospasms, migraine attacks;
  • from system of digestion – vomiting, nausea, bleedings from internals.

Drug can cause allergic reactions, including a Quincke's edema, urticaria, skin rash and an itch.

Whether you know that:

During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.