Echinococcosis is a chronic helminthic disease which is caused by a tape-worm ekinokokky. Not only people, but also animals are ill. Most often infection with an echinococcosis occurs after contacts with dogs or during a hairstyle of sheep. Features of the mechanism of transfer define universal prevalence of an infection. In our country it meets in all regions, but the greatest number of the diseased comes to light in areas with the developed livestock production.
Tape-worms parasitize in intestines of sheep, dogs and rodents. There they lay eggs which then get to external environment with excrements of animals. Eggs of helminths get into a human body at non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene and necessary level of sanitation, and at the diagnosis an echinococcosis symptoms of an infection can be shown in the most different bodies. The main danger of an echinococcosis is the fact that with blood helminths are carried on all vital systems and turn in Finns – cysts in which there is a final formation of a parasite. As causative agents of echinococcosis grow, Finns also increase in sizes and begin to squeeze nearby fabrics, breaking normal functioning of bodies. Most often cysts are found in a liver (a liver echinococcosis) and in lungs. Sometimes they affect a brain.
In most cases an echinococcosis proceeds absolutely asymptomatically. Quite often there is a situation when to find an echinococcosis in children and adults it is possible only at preventive radiological and ultrasonographies. If helminths progress to a stage of cysts, then they begin to squeeze the next bodies and fabrics. At this stage symptoms of an echinococcosis are shown more brightly. At patients various symptoms depending on the place of localization the Finn are observed. So, for example, an echinococcosis of a liver is followed:
The pulmonary form of an echinococcosis leads to developing of pains in a thorax, cough, an asthma. If at the person a brain echinococcosis develops symptoms have the neurologic nature. Most often patients suffer from paralyzes, paresis, convulsive attacks and mental disorders.
Availability of helminths in a human body is confirmed by means of the visualizing laboratory methods of a research. As a rule, doctors use for this purpose X-ray, MPT, KT and ultrasonography. Earlier, along with the listed techniques, also the puncture biopsy of a cyst was applied, however, today it is considered dangerous as during the procedure there can be a distribution of parasites to surrounding bodies and fabrics. Also for diagnosis of an echinococcosis immunological methods are not used that is connected with their low informational content.
The choice of a technique of treatment of an echinococcosis depends on the place of localization of helminths, the general condition of the patient and a clinical picture of development of an infection. The decision on surgical intervention is in most cases made if, of course, it does not pose threat for the patient's life. During operation removal of a cyst with the subsequent sewing up of the cavity which remained after education dredging is made.
At prevention of an echinococcosis it is necessary to follow the following rules:
As you can see, rules are really simple, but their observance will allow to prevent not only echinococcosis, but also many other diseases of digestive tract.
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