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Phenilinum – means, anticlotting.

Pharmacological properties

Fenilinvkhodit in group of indirect Упаковка Фенилинanticoagulants.

On the action mechanism it concerns to antagonists of vitamin K. Competing with vitamin K, Phenilinum blocks K-vitaminreduktazu enzyme. Because of it synthesis in a liver of blood-coagulation factors - VII, by IX, X and a prothrombin is broken. Deficit of factors of coagulation breaks processes of a thrombogenesis, reduces the content in blood of lipids, does vessels by more permeable.

To begin to work in an organism, Phenilinum has to collect to a certain concentration therefore its action is shown not at once – begins in 8-10 hours, and the maximum of action is reached in 24-30 hours.

Control of anticoagulative action of Phenilinum is based on definition of a prothrombin time in a koagulogramma – PV, normal it makes 11-14 sec. For the prevention of venous thrombosis increase in PV twice, arterial by 3-4 times in comparison with norm is enough.

Phenilinum is quickly and well soaked up from a digestive tract. Its transformation happens in a liver. It is brought out of an organism in the form of metabolites by kidneys.

Release form

Drug is produced in tablets on 30 mg.

Indications to use of Phenilinum

According to the instruction drug is used in those states when long decrease in coagulability of blood is necessary. It is used for the prevention and treatment of thromboses, thrombophlebitises and tromboembolic episodes (a thromboembolism of a pulmonary artery, etc.), and also thromboses in the postoperative period. Constant reception of Phenilinum is necessary if the person has mechanical prostheses of valves of heart. Drug is used in complex anticoagulating therapy together with heparin.


It is necessary to take medicine under control of coagulability of blood. If the level of a prothrombin is lower than 70% of norm, danger of bleedings is big. Do not appoint Phenilinum at the diseases of blood connected with coagulability disturbances (hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis) at a heavy renal failure, in 1 trimester of pregnancy and at individual intolerance. With care recommend to apply this means at advanced age, at oncological diseases, disturbances in work of kidneys and a liver, at ulcers and erosion in a digestive tract, at anemia and gynecologic diseases, in an early puerperal period, at a lactation. In 2 days prior to the beginning of periods drug needs to be cancelled.

Application instruction of Phenilinum

According to the instruction the dose of drug is selected for indications of duration of a prothrombin time, supporting a prothrombin ratio at the level of 40-60%. In the first days the load dose makes 120-180 mg inside in 3-4 receptions, in the second – 90-150 mg/days, further – under control of PTV on 30-60 mg/days. Maximum daily dose of Phenilinum of 200 mg.

During administration of drug it is regularly necessary to carry out monitoring of a koagulogramma, tromboelastogramma, level of thrombocytes to blood, and also urine regarding a possible hamaturia.

Таблетки ФенилинIt is necessary to stop treatment by drug gradually. Sometimes palms of patients are painted in yellow color, and urine in pink. At overdose of Phenilinum by his antagonist there will be a vitamin K, in acute cases it is entered parenterally.

Side effects of Phenilinum

Phenilinum according to reviews can make sick, diarrhea, headaches, fever, allergic reactions, toxic hepatitis, hemopoiesis disturbances.

Long reception sometimes provokes development of a hemorrhagic syndrome in the form of nasal, uterine, renal, gastrointestinal bleedings, hemorrhages in internals or in muscles.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.